I got the core


Shared on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 10:17
I got the core.  The weird thing is my internet went out for awhile.  So when I hooked up the 360 it couldn't connect.  Themes and some other stuff must be tied to a box because all my purchased themes didn't show up.  They were on the hdd but they were not available for use.  It wasn't until I connected to the internet that they became available. 


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 10:20
Yep. Anything you registered/purchased will now need to be able to talk to live before you can use them. They're tied to your serial #. I believe you can call support and have everything transferred.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 10:20
Yep. Anything you registered/purchased will now need to be able to talk to live before you can use them. They're tied to your serial #. I believe you can call support and have everything transferred.
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 10:30
I found that doing the "recover gamertag" got all of my stuff back, including DLC.
CAPSFAN's picture
Submitted by CAPSFAN on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 11:04
Yeah it is tied to your Gametag,not your serial#, I did the recover gametag thing. and everything I purchased was still available to me to download again. I had wiped my hardrive clean when I got my new box.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 17:24
enjoy it.. my 5th one blew.. lol thank the gods for warranty

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