gaming diary


Shared on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 18:05
I picked up a copy of Kingdom Hearts 2 out of the bargain bin because I had heard that Auron of FFX fame made a cameo.  It was also great to hear James Wood's voice again as the magnificent bastard, Hades.  I've actually played a lot of the game, and it's quite addictive-- because it soooo easy.  I keep wanting to quit because my thumb is sore from hitting X so much.  (and occasionally triangle and circle)  This is one of the first E rated games I've ever owned.  (yeah, I know, women are suposed to only play e rated games like Tetris and The Sims-- right?)  So far I am enjoying picking out whether the voice talent is original or not.  (also the guy who does Cap. Jack Sparrow is doing a horribly misplaced Liverpool accent.  I'm sorry, when was Jack in the Beatles?)   But all the technicolor yawning of Disney was a nice break from ....

Silent  Hill 2
I'm a  Silent Hill Booster, so I am totally biased-- but this game is so much fun.  I randomly rented it years ago, and burned my way through it.   I then bought 3, 4, and belatedly 1.  I finally picked a used copy of 2 to complete my collection.  It's still the best of the series, although I can't vouch for SH Origins since I don't own a PSP.  But since it's billed as a prequel, I'm required by Silent Hill municipal laws to find a way to play it.  So sayeth the Red and Yellow Gods.

I also recently picked up a copy of "God Hand" because it's from Clover studios. (makers of Okami)  This game would be fun if it weren't for the fact that walls dissapear when you stand next to them.  That is very distracting.  I do enjoy the humor and the Sergio Leone-esque style, but the plot seems unclear at first.  My objective appears to be mash buttons and kick ugly bastards a lot. 

Moving on to present and future, I'm looking forward to both "Lair" and "Assassin's Creed",  the former reminds me of a souped up version of  "Draken: The Ancient's Gates" (yeah, I know, you've never heard of it, no one but me played it) and the latter brings back memories of playing "Thief" without all that damn sneakin' around business.  Aww Ubisoft, you had me a "Templar".  Now, if someone could make a sequel to  "Azreal's Tear" I'd be a happy woman.  (yeah, I know, you've never heard of THAT one either, sigh)  Great, so now I will have to buy a PS3.  Maybe I could sell a kidney. . 


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