Should I sell my Wii?


Shared on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 20:48
 I've grown tired of my Wii, and I'm seriously considering selling it on ebay.  I've got lots of bills to pay, and I want a new tv, a 360, and a new computer.  Not that a Wii and some games are going to pay for that whole list, but it's a start.  I'm sick of working so much, and still being broke.  I just found out that I can get disposable contact lenses for the first time ever, so I won't have to spend so much money, that's some good news at least.  I have always hated spending 178.00 for one lens, when others can buy a year's worth of pairs for 30.00.

Still, I'm curious to know what it would be like to play Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End on the Wii.  I bought Red Steel with the idea of sword fighting, but sadly, most of the game is a FPS.  (not to mention it sucks)  But some early reviews of POTC AWE are intriguing.  Of course I can get the game on any platform, but playing it on the wii would be awesome.  And of course I'd like to play Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, having the reticule separate from the analog stick would make things a lot more interesting.   I'm less than excited about the Umbrella Chronicles, which looks like a shooting gallery.  Jeez, maybe I should just break down and rent games.


Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 21:04
As much as I don't like the Wii right now, I think selling systems is a mistake. Unless you find a buyer whos willing to poney up a decent amount. Ebay is not what it used to be and EB/Gamestop doesn't give much.
DeadDrPhibes's picture
Submitted by DeadDrPhibes on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 22:43
Noooo! Don't sell it! i don't have any good reason.. I still love mine, mostly for quick in and out games when I don' have hours to dedicate a deep gaming experience. Also it's really funny to watch my friends play it when they're mildly intoxicated..
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 02:55
True, don't get rid of the Wii. It's the most versatile system out right now. Retro-gaming, GC compatibility, and every now and again a Wii game that's really worth it. And all at a price that won't be equalled for a long time yet. You'll regret selling it.

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