A hit to the ego.


Shared on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 09:19

I was playing some Texas Hold'em last night and had gotten to the final 3.  I had my microphone connected, but muted as I always do.  I do this so that I can see the temperment of the table before speaking.  If it's a quiet table, I will be quiet also.  If loud and crazy, but not Timmied, I'll join in.  Well, one of the other players was the only one left talking, so I unmuted and started a conversation with him.  In the middle of our talk, he starts laughing for no reason.  I'm puzzled about this, then he appologizes and says that his 5 year old daughter just came in the room and said that I sounded old.  I laughed when he said it and told him I was 41, so I guess that's old to a 5 year old.  Good thing I don't think that 41 is old, but hearing someone say that sure was a blow to my ego.


What is up with people not being able to commit to activities.  My home poker tournament is tomorrow and I have 6 people committed to playing, 7 that "might" play, and 9 I haven't heard from.  I sent the intital invites out a month ago, and a reminder went out two weeks ago.  I want to ask the 7 that "might" play to give me a yes or no.  By saying maybe, I feel that they are saying "We'll come play poker with you unless something better comes up."  I'd rather them say no.  And the 9 that haven't answered are just being rude.


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