Games People Play


Shared on Sun, 08/12/2007 - 15:19

We're all game players really, aren't we? I mean, you play the game in life to get smile and dress up..but your best foot forward...wash behind your ears...*L*  (*L* means laughing...just wanted to point that out in case it doesn't mean that here)

My point is that very few people in our lives will really get who we are.  I mean who sees us in all our ugly honesty? Grumpy and shuffling...torn sweats and baggy, holey shirt...snappy attitude...a little ripe from the day...

Our parents, siblings, spouses, and kids pretty much...right?  Why is it those we love the most get the worst of us?  I am not aging all that wonderfully.  Something weird is going on with my skin now that I'm in my mid 30s.  I've gained weight. 

And why are we "2old2play?"  I think you're never too old to play! *L*


Just putting that out there.....


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