A Fresh Start


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:03

Why are beginnings so exciting??  Especially when it is the beginning of something you've already done before so that you ultimately know how it is going to work out??

Tomorrow is the first day of school.  My daughter is SO excited.  She is beginning sixth grade - the last day of elementary school.  And it will be exciting for awhile.  She'll see her friends again...she'll get to study Science (her FAVE subject!)...

And then fall weather...Halloween...first snow...Thanksgiving...Christmas and Mimi (my Mom) comes to visit...

But, by January the new has totally worn off of school.  For me too.  The new has worn off of the cold weather too by February.  Enough is enough already.  We're from the South and moved to North Dakota, so it seems utterly UNNATURAL still to me (even after about 8 yrs being here) for there to be SNOW still around in MARCH!!!

There will come a time, the new will wear off and we'll all be complaining about desperately wanting summer.  May will come and we'll ecstatically shed our winter coats and tentatively expose ourselves to the sun and begin the summer rituals of swimming, camping, fishing, backyard barbeques....


Sure enough, come August we'll all be aflutter around here about the new school year.  Even knowing that soon it will get old.  Even knowing that it won't be long before we are longing for it to be over...wanting to move on to the next thing...

Is it just human nature?

Things that make you go "hmmmm..."  :P


UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:28
It's the vicious cylce of the education system. We're all masochists in a small way. We like the new pain, versus the old. I prefer to pick scabs. But I'm a wierdo. :D
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 07:28
Hmmm or Uh huh!, yep.

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