Epiphanies and Articulations


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 05:19

Let me first start off by saying this... It's good to have friends.

We all have friends and if we're lucky we have many. The weird thing with me however, and I suspect I'm not alone, is that we have different levels of friends. We have friends, best friends, long lost friends, acquaintances, friends of friends etc. I have all of those and they all have a special meaning for me.

What I'm talking about now are MY FRIENDS. The here and now friends. The friends that I would call on if I were in dire need of help. The friends I would call on if I needed a pick-up because my car ran out of gas on the I-94 just north of the Oak Brook Ave Exit. These are my die hard with a vengeance, every day friends, Know what I'm sayin? If you don't I'm sorry for you, they're good to have.

Second, I'd like to say that this has been a night of old family revisions and lots and lots of drinking. Started off with a 50th wedding anniversary of my dad's sister and her husband. Which means I was hanging out with my first cousins and all of their kids and husbands. I do this very, very rarely. In fact I do this so rarely that, personally, I am surprised they even recognize me and are willing to talk to me as if no time has passed. Needless to say... I drink. I have four or five Sam Adams'. I know that's not really a lot, but it helps to chill the edge down a bit. Luckily, my family is crazy, but cool...there is no need to over indulge just to get by. Plus we are all the way out in Huntley Illinois. This, if you are not familiar, is super fucking west of Chicago. Not my cup of tea in terms of distance. After the festivities I drive to meet Doodi and Bliz for some further commiseration. Several beers and some Absinthe later I have come to my epiphany.

We are nothing without our friends and family. We all live, but we WILL all die. And It's the in-between that matters. I'm very happy and I feel very lucky to have the friends that I have. I can only hope that you have friends like I do and they are there for you as you are there for them.



MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 07:43
Making me want to shed a tear as I read this... lol Anyways, Durand is super fucking west of Chicago....try driving from here to there 3 times a week! lol MJ
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 10:46
I love you too, jammy
Ebola2's picture
Submitted by Ebola2 on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 12:41
Why you guys gotta be like that? It's not my fault nobody loved you guys when you were kids ;) and who the fuck gave me negative ratings? WTF!!

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