A Touching Story of Fall and HALO THREE BAYBEE!!!!!


Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 23:11

I spend sooo much time worrying about bills and the housework and such, that sometimes I forget to STOP and ENJOY my children.

It was a perfect fall evening. My hubby and daughter were curled up on the couch watching football, eating the stew I made. My son was running around playing, happy as can be. The house was warm and cozy. We were all settling in for the evening.

Then some guys from hubby's work showed up to get him. They were in uniform. (He's a cop) He forgot a training that he had this evening. So, he quickly got dressed and left with apologies. I was feeling a little down.

My son ran and jumped on his beanbag bed and said "Gooodnight.." That means he wants me to lay down with him and snuggle :) So I lay down on the beanbag bed and he was putting his forehead to mine and I sang to him. My daughter ran in and jumped in and I sang to her too, even though she's 11. For a few minutes we all just lay there and watched the yellow-leaved tree out his window waving back and forth in the wind. It was so nice.

Then she tickled my son and he started laughing and I tickled the both of them and we started wrestling and leaping around and my son leaped on my back and "tackled" me!! We were laughing so hard I lost my breath and it was wonderful.

Then we rested and my son got thirsty and ran out of the room and it was over. But for a bit there it was just a perfect. snapshot. moment. It was one of those things that makes me so incredibly grateful to be a mother, to be given the gift of my children. I have wonderful, loving, beautiful children.

I thank God that I had that perfect moment today with them.


Ok, enough of that....about HALO THREE!!


My hubby works THREE jobs. He has not had enough one on one time with our daughter lately. Its easier for him to spend one on one time with our son because my son has autism and my son loves to wrestle and go run errands with Daddy and things like that. Now, my daughter enjoys these things too, but being eleven and bored easily as an average tween, she wants to do an ACTIVITY with Daddy!

I let my daughter miss school so she could travel to our nearest big town here with her Daddy to the midnight release of Halo Three. I don't even allow her to play it, but she travelled with him....they hung out at the mall...ate Chinese food...took some of those goofy booth pictures (pretending to pick their noses *sigh*)...and had a blast! She was exhausted by the time they were standing in line for the game (prepaid by hubby of course - Limited Edition) with over 150 (approx. according to hubby) other people, but she was excited to be there with Daddy. He got his game and they travelled the two and a half hours to come home. I found her the next morning still in her clothes asleep on the couch. Hubby said that's as far as she made it and he didn't see the harm in leaving her there.

She gets As in school. She wants to be an Ecologist (and she's only ELEVEN) when she grows up. I know she understands this is not something I'd normally approve of and that this was special, but I still feel a little guilty for allowing her to miss school without being sick.....until I look at those pictures. Then I know I did the right thing :)

HALO SIDE NOTE: The graphics rock!! Hubby's every waking hour has been spent playing of course!! He even took some days off he had saved up so he could spend some time playing it. But he deserves it because he works dang hard and after all....they're PAID days off! :P


SqueakieWife's picture
Submitted by SqueakieWife on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 00:27
It's times like that that make all the "hard times" of being a mom worth it.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 07:48
A good day! What more can one say. I have often regretted not making more memories like that when I could. I have even told my kids that and so we try to have them now but it is not the same.

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