So I'm at work the other day and...


Shared on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 15:04
...this guy in a John Deere hat and acid wash jeans come and asks for the "EA NASCAR 08 game that you can play on you TV." I asked him whether he wanted the XBOX 360 version or the PS3 version. He looked confused, and I had to be one to break it to him that it would cost him at least 350.00 to play the game on his TV. He left looking disappointed. I could have been a real smarmy jerk, but I wasn't.

Another day, a middle aged woman asked me for the "Y" game". I knew from prior experience that she wanted to buy a Wii. I only corrected her on her pronunciation so when she unveiled it to her grandkids on X-Mass morning, she wouldn't sound uncool.

Another lady bounced in to buy Wii Play; bubbling on about how she got a really good deal on a Wii at Walmart. "They are normally 399.99, but I got mine for 249.99!" I was about to correct her, but she seemed so happy I just couldn't burst her bubble. This incident makes me wonder what the hell is going on at Walmart.

Numerous folks have come in to ask if we have "the Wii game". I point to the display, only to discover they mean the console.

See, I know I say stupid things all the time, and when someone nicely corrects me, I don't feel bad. I just can't stand people rubbing my nose in my own mistake like a puppy with a bladder control problem. So I try to extend that courtesy to my fellow human beings. (unless they are stupid AND mean, in which case they can go fuck themselves)

Retail Therapy Report
Parents are terrified there might be a Wii shortage, so they are snapping them up as fast as Nintendo ships them to us. This is the principle of supply and demand in action. We got the 360 Arcade bundle in, and we still have one Halo 3 edition 360 left over like ghost of the Halo Hysteria . We can't keep the pro bundle in stock. (the one with a 20 gig 360 and Forza 2 and Marvel Alliance) Oh, and I sold a PS3 last week.


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