The wives of Soldiers


Shared on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 03:29

Who?...... But the Soldiers see the Horrors of battle, They witness their friends being killed or wounded, They see the blood and body parts of whats left of their friend in the same trench that they were in not just a minute ago. They witness the Horror that man can do their own kind. They see the broken or dead bodies of Children whom remind them of their own Children back home. They see big, Strong, Tough, Never Afraid Soldiers crying their harts out after loosing one of their friends in a fire fight.

Who?......But the wives of Soldiers see the Horror of War, They grow up to be Women who want to marry the perfect guy and have beautiful Children. They Achieve their goals so far only to realise the perfect man they Married turned out to be a Soldier. Then War brakes out.. and she now knows that she might be sending him off to fight. The Love she feels for him is the same as the support that she has to be able to let him go, only knowing that she might never see him alive again. She hangs with other women whose husbands were ordered to War. She records all of the News she can to see the word of War, and Maybe just Maybe a glimpse of her husband at War. But also dreading to hear his name being called on that list as a casualty of War. She See's her best friend down on her knees crying as if she has lost something and calls out her name and asks if everything is alright, only to find out that one of those names in the list of casualties of War was her husbands in that far off Horrible War. After comforting her friend to sleep she returns home, rounding the corner towards the living room she sees the picture of her Husband and her Children at the last Vacation they all took together. With the tears running down her eyes and and a broken Hart she clutches the photo to her chest and Prays to God that he's alright.

When its all said and done our soldiers didnt ask for this, they were ordered to fight, and they did as they were trained to do. But not because they were ordered to, But because they did it for their fellow Soldiers in Arms and for those they left behind, Their Children, their Family, and their Wives. Please SUPPORT our troops may they be Male or Female.



Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 21:50
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 06:34
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