Quiet Before The Storm


Shared on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 07:23
Things seem quiet on the gaming front right now.  Maybe it is just me but there doesn't seem to be any big news or releases taking place.  You can sense that is all about to change.  That thing you sense is GTAIV being released at the end of the month.  This game is going to be absolutely HUGE in every way possible.  Financially it stands to challenge some of the record numbers put up by the Halo 3 launch.  Halo 3 set revenue records for an entertainment release during it's first week of release.  In terms of game play, the inclusion of MP adds a lot of quality game content to an already beefy SP campaign.  But the question on everyone's mind is how will it all play out?  Most likely we can expect it to play out over 40 hours with a giant grin on our faces as we wreak havoc in the most pimped out sandbox we have ever experienced.  It's quiet now but GTAIV is on the way. 


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