Back in the Saddle Again


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 23:07
After having to move over 300 miles, and wait for just the right rental situation; I am now able to use the internetz unfettered by certain relatives who thought I might be using all of the internet up.    I won't be satisfied until I can has broadband anywhere I want, but this will have to do.

During my internet hiatus I rediscovered literature and human I really didn't.  I did haul my 360 to a broadband outlet to download Indigo Prophecy and Fable; because nothing will stop me from giving Microsoft money.   I finished Indigo Prophecy, but was derailed in my Fable quest by the release of GTA 4.  I ordered it off Gamefly and thought it would be a silly romp with some achievements, but I got hooked..  This quicky post can't contain my GTA4 love, so I'll save that for a future post.  I have also been getting alot of mileage out of Doom, Half Life 2, and Dead Rising.

Recently, I rented Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles which is great if you are looking desperately for a new game to play on you Wii that does not involve a balance board.  Sadly, I failed to return it on time, involving late fees.  Luckily for me Hastings (the rental store in question) sent me a letter promising half off my late fees, AND a free rental.  Color me surprised.  Sadly, they're game rental selection was scanty, so I left  Condemned 2 Bloodshot.

You'd think as a Silent Hill super fan I'd love this game, but so far I find the controls annoying.  I have it for four more days and plan on returning it in a prompt manner.


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