Saw Sully Erna In Solo Concert


Shared on Sun, 06/15/2008 - 11:35
Last night, for fathers day, I got to go to Sully Erna's solo concert. Sully is the frontman for Godsmack, the show was similar to a "Story Tellers" format, where he explains the nature of his songs, urges people to really listen to music at a deeper level then just the song and talks about his life and how he got where he is today. He played a couple piano songs, paying tribute to Aerosmith in "Dream On" and Hey Jude from the Beatles.

At one point he covered an Alice in Chains song while the video screen paid tribute to some of the past legends of rock (such as Layne from AiC, the doors, Hendrix, Bohnam, etc.) and also covered a Metallica song--all acoustic.

All of the shows are sit down small venues, if you get to go, and are a Godsmack/sully fan I urge you to buy tickets. Of course, for us, he grew up only down the road from the folks in New England (out of Lawrence Mass) so having a local get popular and come back to play for you is awesome. This is the third time I've seen him, all have been great events (Godsmack did a special New England holiday tour while they were in town, and I've seen them for a New Years Eve event in Boston once).

A very sweet Dad's day gift.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Sun, 06/15/2008 - 12:29
Happy Father's Day !
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Sun, 06/15/2008 - 16:31
I've always enjoyed Godsmack's music and am curious about Sully's solo album. The rest of Godsmack's (Shannon, Tony, and Robbie) side project Another Animal is pretty good musically though I personally cannot stand the vocalist (Whit Crane). If you haven't already I highly recommend checking out Godsmack's concert video Changes. A few years ago when they were touring with Metalica and doing side gigs on their days off in support of the their LP the Other Side. I had tickets to their show here in Raleigh, but unfortunately they canceled last minute due to illness. :( I haven't had a chance to see them since then. Really cool Fathers Day gift though for you!

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