It's been a while.....


Shared on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 10:31

And you must have missed me, lol. Our Internet got shut down due to a screw up at AT&T, the fuckers We get $50 out of the fuck up, but it still sucks. And I missed the Pwnathon with the Ladies Friday night!! That really pissed me off and was super crappy since I was really looking forward to it.

Not having Internet access blows, especially when you are like me and use it for EVERYTHING. I couldn't check my email, talk to my friends or family because we generally use IM, blog, look up phone numbers, pay my bills (because I do it all online and don't like talking to real people most of the center shit sucks and I hate going in to pay, lines are not my friends), couldn't look up random facts that we do on a daily basis...because we are really retarded like that, and most importantly, I couldn't play Halo!! I simply must have Internet....good Internet access, if not great. Lol.Not to mention Sunday was my 1 year anniversary on the site and I totally missed it!!

In other news...Sicrik kicked our roommate out a week an a half ago, it was getting too stressful with him here and the problems he was trying to cause. Still love him, but I will never again bend over backwards to help him out. Actually he says he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because it is 'too hard'. He thinks I'm not 'enough' for Sicrik, that I lie about everything, and that I am just a fat lazy bitch who he can't stand anymore...dumb shit. Fun, fun!! I have learned a whole lot about myself after all of this...and I will simply not allow anyone to ever take advantage of my generosity and my friendship ever again. I believe I am a good friend...I would and have done everything I could for any of my friends, but it never seems to get appreciated at all and certainly never reciprocated. The reciprocation isn't nearly as important as the appreciation....but a one sided friendship isn't ever any fun, but those really seem to be the only ones I have. It makes me leery of making friends and I can come off as standoffish to some....but after being screwed over so many times by 'friends' it makes me sort of less than trusting of people who make overtures of friendship towards me. I have issues, lol.

Anyways, I am super happy I'm back on and I'll post some hotties later in celebration :)

Happy Wednesday!!


Trashguy's picture
Submitted by Trashguy on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 11:36
Hon, everyone has limits...he pushed his luck one too many times, and you had to do something to retain your sanity. And, thank you very much for the hotties!
parottthead's picture
Submitted by parottthead on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 11:38
Welcome back Durty! I know what you mean about getting freaked when internet goes down. There are people who are givers and people who are takers, and then there is everyone else in between. You'll bitch and moan about being taken advantage of, but the next time one of your friends is in a bind you will do the same thing you always do without a second thought. Trust me, I know! Nice fantasies, btw. I've put a couple out on a site, but that isn't stuff I'd post in a blog! pH
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 12:14
What really happened, is your computer had a meltdown with all the hotties you have downloaded into it....LOL It was so bad, it even took down the server!!! WB Durty! You should NEVER feel bad about trying to help. You did your best.
InfernalGiggler's picture
Submitted by InfernalGiggler on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 12:59
I know how you feel. Just remember...there are still good people out there as well...when you find some...let me know...I'm hoping to meet more
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 19:12
Yeah, sorry that you couldn't make it. We had a good time, but it would've been CRAZY good with you there.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 06:31
Missed you last Friday.... Most people don't know how to be a good friend so it's easier to just have a couple great friends than lots of shitty ones.
shred1's picture
Submitted by shred1 on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 18:19
One of the main reasons I bought my current house is the fiber optic cable coming into it! If I lose my connection I have to use my wifes dsl or steal my neighbors wifi.
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 18:33
What the hell! Missed you girl! COME BACK!!!!!!!! At&t are cockgobbling thundercunts. Lemme tell you how I really feel now....

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