What I got to say


Shared on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 21:03

I had a fucking blast at the Lan. I hung out with some really kick ass people, drank a lot of beer, which is always a good thing. Then I come home to this shit about my clan. I think it's fucked up that some of you started to talk shit about our clan. If you're not in the clan or one of the higher ups on this site, why do you give a fuck. I was gaming with this clan before I was even on this site, so I take offense to the shit talking. Quit your damn bitching. We were one of the more premiere clans on this site. And we are highly regarded as one of the better Call of Duty clans. I might stay here, haven't made up my mind yet. This is a really good site, and I enjoy it.

For those of you who want to hate on us.......EAT IT !!!!!


NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 21:13
N00py had a great time with you at the LAN. Didn't get to game as much as I wanted to with you guys, but none the less we shared a cooler. So that's gotta stand for something right????? Seriously though had a great time meeting you and the rest of the guys. Looking forward to more of it next year and the next. Stick around man. A lot of people are talking about stuff they don't anything about. Leave it to the D's and shit will get worked out one way or another. Looking forward to gaming with you more.
LB75Player's picture
Submitted by LB75Player on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 22:43
Yep, had a blast hanging with you at the LAN Noopy. Just hang tight, things will get worked out.
meatburgular's picture
Submitted by meatburgular on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 23:22
W3rd !!!!!!
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 00:35
w3rd. you know where your love is bro. leave the stupid to the stupid.

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