Shared on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 15:09So I had started playing StarWars:FTU the other day and during the opening scenario you play as Darth Vader. We had just finished dinner and by chance, my oldest had a Darth Vader sipy that I had gotten him a while ago. He ran back to the dining room and got his cup, came out and told me that I was playing the same guy as was on his cup. I told him that DV was part of a movie and did he want to watch it? He has been after me all week to watch StarWars. So today Zach and I watched Star Wars. Has to be one of my better moments to have my son request to see the great classic StarWars.
It got even better. my youngest got up from his nap, came out and started watching as well. Was totally enthralled with the movie. The next generation has begun!
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