Shared on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 15:51Who throws TIEs around like frisbess but has a tough time with stun baton guy who appears to be ex-Air traffic control with palsy (this could also explain the real story behind bringing down the stardestroyer).
They could have used the tech to make another Jedi Knight game with actual lightsaber system that inspired dueling like the films and a story that feels less forced (no pun). That also would have been mutliplayer friendly as were past Jedi Knight games.
Yeah, a Jedi/Sith lightsaber confrontation on a Bespin bridge style map, ending in an armless Jedi (your buddy) corpse, being force flung across the miles deep shaft, slamming into the other Jedi (buddy #2) knocking him down the shaft, leaving the Holocron (CTF flag) on the bridge, only the Sith (you) get sniped by the bounty hunter class (fuck, make this a bot, doesn't matter) with a disrupter before you can return the "flag"...yeah, no one wanted that...
We needed another game that tells us to "HIT B-B-B-B-B-B-B!!!".
- Rhysode's blog
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Submitted by Durty on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 16:12
Submitted by wilderz on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 17:04