My boys....


Shared on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 13:59

Are awesome....really....okay, most of the time. :)

This year their father has allowed them to play football, first sport he's ever allowed them to play....and they are pretty damn good. I mean, for kids who've never played before, lol. My oldest plays center, my middle child plays left or right something or other and my youngest plays 2nd running back. Don't ask me what most of those positions mean, I just watch them do their thing. I know nothing of football, except I love to see them play. Watching them does tend to scare me a little...I'd always thought of my kids not being tiny at all, but compared to some of the kids they play against, my boys are damn near midgets, lol.

Some things I've learned about my kids watching them play....

My youngest son is always a second or so behind everyone else. So much so, that a kid on the other team will have already been tackled, under a pile of other children and my kid just jumps on top, lol. Funniest thing ever. He is also very, very aggressive. His first game I was watching him taunt the other team...very bad attitude....and funny as hell. (I'm a bad mom) Grabs one kids mask, the kids nickname was "Tank" (huge kid) and was telling this boy that his team was going to lose, "we rock, you suck, and you are going down!!" Kind of stuff. Bad, bad child, lol.

My oldest child isn't really very aggressive....he just sort of 'bucks up' against the other guys but doesn't really try and 'take them out' or whatever....make any sense? He just never has been a very aggressive guy....until you piss him off that is, don't want to do that. I hate that he is always surrounded by the other guys, so I can't really see everything that goes on with him....makes it crappy!! :( He is covered in bruises though...all over his arms, stomach and legs....I guess from trying to hold the other guys off his QB. Poor kid. I thought he was dirty the other day, and kept telling him to go wash his arms because he was so dirty. wasn't dirt. They were huge bruises. Covering both of his arms. He's a pretty tough guy though. He can hang. :D

And on to the middle child....oh child of mine...he is the smallest kid on his team. By a long shot. His coach at the beginning of the season (4 weeks ago, lol) was afraid of putting him in and keeping him in because the other kids are so much bigger than him. Kiddo was upset because he overheard his coach say that very thing to someone...and I guess decided to show his coach what he was worth. The first game he played I watched him tackle this kid with the ball, kid was probably 8 inches taller and much wider than he was, brought him down with a big thud. It was great. I was being a total retard too, jumping, clapping...the whole nine yards....and kiddo just gets up give me two thumbs up and runs back to his team mates. It was awesome. Two weeks ago though his team was playing up against a bunch of HUGE 6th graders. I mean huge. These other boys were all Sicrik's to a 80 lb kid. I was scared. Well kiddo like I said is left or right whatever and he ends up being put up against a guy who is about 5'10"and 180...I kid you not. This big kid tears up my kid all night, throwing him all over the field, being super overly aggressive. I mean, not just as a mother, he really was. He could have easily put my kid down with one finger and his team wouldn't have had any issues at all....but no, the kid was a major jack ass. Yeah, I will call a kid a jackass. Finally the ref stepped in and threw a flag on the other team or whatever....told the brat to knock it off. Kiddo did get his ass kicked that night though....had stomach cramps for a week afterward from the bruises, poor guy, lol.

Anyways....they are doing great. The won their first games last week. My youngest son's team won 32-8 and the other two won 64-0 w00t!!! I know you aren't supposed to keep score, but I totally do. :P They have another game tonight....can't wait....except for the fact that it's raining...and I don't like being in the cold rain....for 3 the cold. Yuck!!

In any case...wish my boys luck....and strong bones. :lol:

Ps: The pics are crappy....but I couldn't get the little shits to stand still for more than 2 seconds. Brats!



Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 14:06
You sound like my mom when I was wrestling (except we kept score) screaming and cheering the whole time with both hands covering her eyes. Bruises heal(most of them atleast) but these memories will last forever.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 14:58
Good stuff Durty, nice looking kids you two have. Sometimes it takes a long time to find work. I know it sucks. Hang on girl.
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 16:28
+1 for the pics! Luv it! And, hang in there about the work thing...
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 21:37
+1 for everything in this blog, Dur. Those are some great kids there. I can only imagine how proud you are!

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