Oldish School


Shared on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 06:43

So my sister had a PS2 sitting around. I snatched it up because I wanted to see what the big fuss about God of War was. Also, I really want to play Shadow of the Colossus. A PS3 just isn't in the budget so this will have to work.

I stopped at GameStop and picked up a used copy of God of War. I'm at the Hydra boss right now and I'm not too sure what to think of this game. It's pretty, the controls are fluid but I dunno, I'm just not into it. I wonder if I'm just not into that type of game style anymore? I've been playing mostly shooters and RPGs. Hmmm, maybe I just need to play it a little more and it'll draw me in eventually.

On a side note, I've owned 2 PS2s. The first I got on launch nite. I waited in line for 6 hours at a K-mart. I got home put the thing right on eBay and sold it for close to $600. So it worked out to be almost $50 an hour to wait in line. Not too bad, I could have doing much worse things. The second PS2 I bought the evening before 9-11. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know it was happening until I got in to my car that morning to go to class because in lieu of doing my usual morning routine of watching the news I decided to play some Gran Turismo. I sold that PS2 for an XBOX upon the impending release of Fable and all the Halo hype. I loved Halo. I made the right move.


NormalGuy's picture
Submitted by NormalGuy on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 09:31
In my experience. God of War and GoWII were both not really story driven games. More about the combos, environments, enemies, etc. The story was solid (not just thrown in IMO), but not why you show up. Shadow of Colossus.....not as good as Ico (best single-player game of last generation), but its good. NG
LetheanGrazer's picture
Submitted by LetheanGrazer on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 12:01
Thanks for the advice. I'll go back and get Ico too.

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