Wow. Look what I started.


Shared on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:10

Sorry for not posting this sooner. I wanted the blog banner to cycle through so my gamer pic only appeared once...  OH! SNAP! (And Cri, sorry for pushing you off, buddy. I now how important that blog traffic is to you...)

So yesterday I made multiple blog posts in a short span of time. It was really my first time to use the 2o2p blogging tool (Seriously. Check my post history. I think I've made five since joining in February.), and I was unfamiliar with how the blog banner worked. Call me stupid. Call me naive. Call me a noob. Whatever. So three of the seven gamer pics at the top of your screen were mine. And this caught some people's attention. Actually, I noticed what had happened. But by then I had already received a PM--a very nice message, mind you--from J-Cat, explaining how things work and that some users were less than pleased at my rookie mistake. So my apologies to those folks if I bumped your icon off the banner. Now that I know how it works, it won't happen again.

In my reply to J-Cat I mentioned that I'll be relocating my gaming-related blogging to another site. I consume a LOT of gaming news and information every day. And as my clanmates can attest, I like to share a lot of that information. So I need a blogging tool that can accomodate the cascade that spews forth every day--hell, every hour in some cases. When that new site is up and running, I'll post the URL here in case anyone is interested.

My opinion is that content should drive traffic, rather than simply promoting whichever blog has the most recent post. If a blogger is producing quality content, users will instinctively visit his or her blog regularly or even bookmark it, making the notification system that is the current blog banner unnecessary. As just one user out of many, I'd like to see the current blog banner replaced with a kind of rating system, dependent upon which blog posts have received the most looks in a 24-hour period or something. That way the people who really put a lot of effort into creating unique, valuable, useful content might--but not necessarily--be rewarded. But hey, if more people want to read about the color of your kitty cat's hairball that morning rather than my review of inFAMOUS, so be it... Again, this is just my opinion.

I wrote J-Cat a response PM--which I notice is still languishing in my Outbox for some reason--thanking her and the entire admin crew here at 2o2p for their work. I think it's a great service, and without this site I would not have such great friends to play games with. And that's the truth. But I do think some things need to be tweaked.

And finally, a big thanks to my clan homies. This whole business got started because I guessed they were tired of reading all the crap I posted on our clan message board. Who knew they actually read and enjoyed that stuff. You guys rock. Thanks for the support.




TaxiSquad27's picture
Submitted by TaxiSquad27 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:35
..or you could get in touch with Press and Writers team here on the site (which J-cat is a part of). Finding someone who has a fresh outlook and desire to write original content is always welcome here. As a writer here you can consider both the front page and your blog a means to communicate your work, so please give it some consideration. We really value member content as it contributes to a real sense of an older gaming community, and we'd like you to stick around and post your thoughts here. If you're really set on the blogs as your writing medium perhaps you can daily blog with multiple subjects within one post rather than multiple posts with individual topics. It will allow you to get your daily content in and at the same time keep the bar blog available for the other members. Just a thought.
bryanb1977's picture
Submitted by bryanb1977 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:38
dude! You rock the cat box as well. Book is like the game Reverend of our clan. People should bow in the presence of his quick pen and smooth typing finger. Keep do'n what cha do. You know I got cha back homey.
bryanb1977's picture
Submitted by bryanb1977 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:41
anyone think about making the blog bar scroll so more stupid avatars can fit.
TheBookNerd's picture
Submitted by TheBookNerd on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:46
Taxi, I'll take that under consideration. Thanks. Actually--and I realize this may be nit-picking--I'd prefer to be able to just write a new post and throw it up there, rather than going back and working within existing text. No worries. I understand how things have to work here. I just have a different style and need a different tool that accomodates that. And I have created some original content and provided it to the admins of the site. As of yet, I haven't see it posted. I'd really prefer to be in control of when and where my content goes up. So a separate site is probably best for me. But I appreciate the encouragement.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 10:57
I wish there was a way to work it out, I liked your blogs so far. But it would be kind of a bummer for someone else who took the time to write a good blog (notice I said good blog, meaning not me!) to get squeezed off the blog header that fast.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 11:16
Ya there's ahuge delay in when you submit stuff and when it goes up on the front page if ever. Which is why i've stopped writing for the front page myself. A lot of the stuff I write is happening now kind of stuff, havin git go up a week, two or three weeks after the fact makes it irrelevant almost. Editorials it's find to have a big delay but postings about what's going on right now it's not. I'm hoping once the new site launches things will be streamlined and content can get posted within a day or at the most two of submission. So i share Book's opinion.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 11:38
I said this somewhere else, but I dont see any problem with you posting that shit up as many times as you want as long as its relevant (yours have been so far). I swear, I dont understand why people get so upset when their icon gets bumped. Who gives a shit? People that follow certain blogs will find it anyway. Its like there is a small group of people here who get all fucking butthurt when their not in the top 10 views. Those people need to go outside for a minute and get some sun. There have been so few blogs lately anyway that ANY discouragement of people blogging is what should be discouraged. Its a blog people..not a fucking popularity contest!! I say keep going BN.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 11:53
I say do what ever you want to. I have been known to do it multiple times in a day as well. then again you do not get the privledge of the thumbs fairy who visited way back when. 8)
Criamond's picture
Submitted by Criamond on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 12:45
In the immortal words of Neil Young, "Keep on rockin in the free world."
bryanb1977's picture
Submitted by bryanb1977 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 13:11
Book is one of my friends and clan mates. I have read a lot of the shit he post. When this man say he's going to give a game review don't plan on it being a "this game is good" or "this game sucks" Trust me by the time you get done reading one of his reviews you WILL know weather or not you will buy this game. I was a little preturbed to say the least" when i saw that people cared more about there egos, blog views, and popularity then they did about actually have useful info that people would gain something from. Oh look i have the most views YEY now I can win the I"M A FREAK"N LOSER award. In all seriousness my man Book has some mad skills when he is tapping the keys. His kind of work isn't something you just brush to the side.
TaxiSquad27's picture
Submitted by TaxiSquad27 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 13:23
"bryanb1977 says: His kind of work isn't something you just brush to the side. " Every post prior to yours is doing the opposite of brushing him aside. Did I miss something?
bryanb1977's picture
Submitted by bryanb1977 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 13:33
It was also said that he sent content to the admin and also that it could take days or weeks for it to post on the page. I am glad that people seem to be for being able to post in the blog. This man is wanting to post his writings elsewhere "when 2o2p could gain from it" because of the lead time it takes for meaning full, CURRENT content to be posted. That's all I'm saying.
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 14:23
Book, skip submitting anything to P&W. It is not worth the hassle, and often times does not go up in a timely manner as Tank mentioned. Their whole process needs to be revamped quite frankly. Stick with the blogs and don't be afraid to post some of the article/review in the respective forum and then a lik to your blog. Quality content on this site often goes unnoticed and is under appreciated
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 16:02
Yeah the P&W are just to clicky
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 20:05
I enjoyed the posts or blogs or what ever they are. I thank everyone who blogs, because I am to lazy to do it myself. :o)
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 00:16
ok bryan, because you probably dont know this, this version of the site as far as news goes for the front page is not easy to work with, it is a major pain in the ass to post news and almost a full time job, so its not a personal thing against book nerd or anyone, its just the site code is a bitch to work with. Thats why it takes so long, on top of the fact that articles need to be proofed to. this is why doodirock is rebuilding the website to v3 so posting news and other things will be easy as pie and faster. i think that is a pretty broad generalization about the top 10 getting their butt hurt because bn blogged 3 times in a row, a lot of those top 10 bloggers have been blogging for yrs and have a fan base, and last i checked not one of them has complained! jcat was simply just saying to him that everyone just kind of extends a curtsy to each other by not multi blogging , it has nothing to do with view count. i spend a good amount of time reading 100's of blogs daily, and i enjoy all of them, everyone provides good content in their own way. to suggest that one person content is more valuable then another is absurd, as everyone's content drives this site. typically what i do is wait till my blog gets bumped before i blog again, but thats just me, it still allows me to blog 3-5 times a day if i like which is plenty and it gives others a chance to read new members blogs that get up there as well. i would take taxi's advice when V3 drops because submitting news then should be a snap.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 11:19
I think you should quit being so sensitive and just post what you want. Gawd. If people don't like it...what the hell do you care? You didn't care enough to stop the storm you created in your clan that spewed forth for all to see...At least J-cat didn't post a nasty blog directed at was a PM. Good luck with your blogging efforts.
SM05's picture
Submitted by SM05 on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 09:17
I have absolutely 0 problems with multiple blog posts from one person on the same day. I say go for it.

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