What question would you ask a Timmy?


Shared on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 12:59

Need gaming advice? Why not go to the source that constantly PWNS all of us old farts whenever we dare to venture online?

So I ask you good people--old, but good: What question would you like to ask a Timmy? It could be about a specific game, a cheat, an exploit... Let's try and keep it focused, though. I don't want this thing to get too grandiose in its scope...



J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 17:12
I would ask why they say the hateful things that they do. I would ask them if they understand the terms "homophobia" "racism" and "sexism" and then explain to them why it's just not cool to call someone a fucking cunt over and over, or how it's not right to say that they want to look someone in the eyes while they rape them. yeah. I hate timmy. There is nothing Timmy can teach me. Sure Timmy may be better at gaming, but I rock at life.
alabama_old_fart's picture
Submitted by alabama_old_fart on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 18:27
I would ask the same thing but I know the answer. My 16 year old says he hears the racist thing all the time and it's no big deal and nothing I can say changes his mind. The sexist part is not limited to Timmy. Fortunately I'm at least as good as Timmy most of the time, and better than some. I would ask if their Mommy cuts the crust off their sandwich.
TheBookNerd's picture
Submitted by TheBookNerd on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 19:46
See... We're operating under different definitions of "Timmy." Obviously the monicker carries negative connotations with you fine folks. I also consider a "Timmy" to be a young kid who is just really good at games and kicks us fogeys' butts online regularly... I'm apparently operating under an inaccurate premise...
Science's picture
Submitted by Science on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:19
Timmy, Does your mommy know you are playing a game that is rated for 18 and older? Also do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?

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