Thinking out loud.... your thoughts?


Shared on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:34

As if I don't have enough real life responsibilities to keep me away from my video games, I've been thinking over the last couple days about something I could potentially contribute to our little community:

24 hour a day, 7 days a week 2old2play Radio.

It's a very premature concept at this point but here's what I'm thinking:

A 24 hour, member content-driven internet radio station geared very specifically to the 2old2play community.

Between 2old2type and Caesar's new Community Pulse project, it appears there is room for this sort of thing. Under no circumstances would I view those podcasts as competition. The idea is to take 2old2type, Community Pulse, and any other contributions and link them all together.

The station could work in tandem with site chat during live programming. This means you commit to a 1-2 hour block one night a week while site members are listening to you and contributing ideas and live feedback while you're on the air.

Community events and announcements can be plugged into rotation.

During down time there could be music. I'm on the fence here though - music-based internet radio stations are usually doomed to fail because there are so many (better) alternatives, not to mention royalties are pricy. On the other hand, it's extremely difficult to create enough original content to fill 24 hours a day without becoming stale quickly.

Also regarding music, I know we have a number of talented musicians on the site. I would create programming to showcase your original works.

Other than a "Donate" link, I would finance the project out of my own pocket. While advertising is an option, it's a catch-22 - advertisers won't pay me unless I have tons of listeners, but the capacity for tons of listeners means high bandwidth/higher cost of running the station. So unless something unexpected happens, no paid advertising.

There are several dozen "what-ifs" that I'm still working through. And at this point it's just a thought. Tomorrow I may just scrap the whole idea.

But if something like this existed, would you listen? If I can get a feel for the interest level it will tell me A: if it's worth it to even start, and B: what you, the community would want out of it so if I decide to do it, I can start planning.


TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 13:58
You know you can run a basic web brodcast through a Mac based program called "Nicecast". You can run everything through an iTunes playlist, insert podcast and even recorded vocals from Garageband. I generally run one through my Mac at home so, if I'm bored and log in to my home broadcast for some custom tunes. If you want to see how it works PM me or check out Just copy and paste into your browser. It allows you a great deal of control over your broadcast, down to a custom name. It will give you and address where people can tune in. It really is cool. And sure I would tune in occasionally.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 01:10
It wouldn't be for me.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 09:43
sounds bad ass

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