Shared on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 06:40Just what the Internet needs, another blog.
Writing's been a hobby of mine for years that I've fallen out of touch with. The wife, and some friends, have been bugging me to get back into it for some time now. I figured; what better venue than my favorite gaming community site? So, after weeks worth of background picture hunting and amateur photoshopping here it is; Soylent White's blog.
I've never had a blog before. To be honest, I've hated them down to their very name. Blog. It just sounds dumb. Until recently, I've never really understood the need to keep people constantly updated about my life. Thanks to getting married, buying a house, and all the other stuff that entails, all of a sudden, my life is worth sharing. I do enjoy reading the posts here on 2old and I hope to mimic the candor of most of the blogs here. I figure I'll throw my hat into the ring and see how it goes.
About me: I'm currently 30 years old, been with 2old since the day I turned 25. If anyone's doing the math based on my join date they don't match up because I forgot my original login and created a new one. Being the progeny of an electrical engineering professor and a chemistry teacher, I've got geek DNA. I enjoy sci-fi which is where my gamertags come from. "Soylent" from the classic movie "Soylent Green" and "White" as a pun on the title and my last name. It also serves to weed out Timmies as most of them have no idea what that movie is. I've been a gamer since very early in life when my parents bought me a Texas Instruments console. I didn't really go "hardcore" until I went to college and could afford the consoles myself. By trade I'm a "mobile installer." I do car audio/video/security installs. Like most jobs, it's good, but would be better without the customers. If cars could drive themselves to my shop (and pay;) I'd be in heaven.
I was born in Buffalo, NY, but spent most of my life growing up around Atlanta, GA. I went to the University of Georgia and settled there in Athens, GA, for a decade or so. I recently immigrated to Canada from the United States. I didn't bail because of Bush or terrorists or anything stupid like that. I was moved by the most powerful force on this planet; the love of a good woman.
My wife is an avid gamer herself. In fact, we met playing video games. We were both in the same linkshell (guild) while playing Final Fantasy XI Online. After years of playing together we met up in person as part of a real-life guild meeting and totally hit it off. After flying up and visiting a few more times over the next couple years we decided to elope and start the immigration process. Now I'm a permanent resident of Canada with a year or so left before I'm eligible for dual citizenship. It's a fun story to tell the (eventual) grandkids. If anyone ever tells you that you're wasting your life playing video games then refer them to me. I'll set those ignorant individuals straight.
Those are the main points for me. My apologies if it's a little erratic. As I said before I'm a little out of practice. You can expect to see a good deal of verbiage from me in the near future. Since I haven't been writing for a while I've got a lot of things stored upstairs that need an outlet. Hopefully my brain and fingers can turn them into something worth reading.
- SoylentWhite's blog
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Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 08:12
Submitted by Caesar on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 08:39
Submitted by TKBosss on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 08:46
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 09:44
Submitted by SoylentWhite on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 19:34