Heading to Seattle Tomorrow for the First Time


Shared on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 14:06

While Doodi & Co. are covering E3 I will be heading out to Seattle for the first time ever tomorrow. My company presented me with an award, so they are sending me to our HQ for a week for the annual award event. My girl and I are heading out a few days early to check out Seattle. Next week my company has tons of cool stuff planned for us "award winners". I will get to check out our HQ, visit some of our partner companies, eat like a king and even spend one day on a sail boat cruising around Puget sound. This will in essence be a paid vacation where they have all kinds of cool activities planned for us. The official schedule begins next Monday. In the meantime, my girl and I plan to see the sights around Seattle. I hope to check out the Soundgarden above the city (the origin of the band's name), do the underground Seattle tour and get a tour of the Microsoft campus (if Major Nelson can find time to set that up after returning from E3 - fingers crossed). So keep an eye on my twitter feed if you want to catch pics from our trip, as I am not sure how much computer access I will have.

Monday Night Combat Update

While I am out of town, here is a new update on MNC from our friend "Eka" over at Uber Entertainment - enjoy.

Monday Night Combat's Blitz mode allow players to defend their Money Ball against armies of robots by themselves, two player splitscreen, or four player co-op over Xbox Live. During various Blitz challenges, players can spend money earned by destroying bots to build defensive turrets around the Moneyball, upgrade one of six unique character classes, or set off robot crushing environment hazards. The Challenges vary from a ten round Exhibition Blitz to endless robot waves of ever increasing difficulty in Sudden Death Blitz. Money earned from each Challenge goes into a persistent Lifetime Earnings that allows players to unlock over 350 ProTags, create custom classes, and get ranked on Leaderboards. Monday Night Combat will be available for 1200 Points this summer during the Xbox Live Summer of Arcade promotion starting in July.




Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 16:46
That looks awesome, I think I may be picking up MNC!
Retrogirl546's picture
Submitted by Retrogirl546 on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 20:11
The Hard Rock Cafe roof area has a nice view of Pike's Market. Have a good trip.
Nunderw00b's picture
Submitted by Nunderw00b on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 21:26
Seattle is awesome, I was there last year for the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX'09) Had a great time there. So much to see and do. Definitely check out the Space Needle, and the restaurant is awesome. A bit expensive but well worth every penny! Also they have the Sci-Fi Musuem a must see, which is also not far from the Space Needle
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 22:29
MNC is looking awesome. Can't wait to pick it up.
YoYo's picture
Submitted by YoYo on Thu, 06/17/2010 - 00:24
I moved just south of Seattle 10 yrs ago and I haven't left since. I always enjoy the vibe that Seattle brings. Make sure you see everything you can while you are here cause there is tons to do while your there. Enjoy
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Thu, 06/17/2010 - 12:17
July 6th, 2010 is the release date. According to their facebook post.

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