Officially someone's girlfriend


Shared on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 22:42

Yup... we made it exclusive. He's amazing. Total nerd, but I'm getting over that. I spent all weekend with him and discovered more things about him that I had no idea were there. Everything I found out I like. I can't believe how well this is going, and how incredibly happy I am! I also am shocked that, before, I put up with so much crap and called it "good".

We played Deathspank this weekend again, and had an Indiana Jones marathon, then played darts ad nauseum. I actually won a few times! And in one stunning round I hit the bullseye twice in one turn! (giving self 5)

So here's the issue: he's atheist and my parents will have a MAJOR hard time with that. (I'm not even questioning whether he'll meet the parents- this is a given.) So do I just not mention it and let them get to know him and like him, then spring it on them when (if) they ask? Or do I do some preemptive damage control and let them know up front? I guess the greater question is: would my family's opinion of them affect how I feel about him? That answer is no. Approval or not, I like him, and I don't see this falling apart anytime soon. I'm thrilled to say that as gone as I am over him, he seems to be more so over me. This bodes well I think.  :)

Time to recover from my weekend. I'm exhausted! (Yep, that's exactly why.) ;)


erinroxyfox's picture
Submitted by erinroxyfox on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 17:09
@Venom: HAHAHHAHA!! OMG that's effing BRILLIANT! That's beautiful! Thanks :)
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 23:56
nope--don't tell them. Let them see how happy you are together--then when they pull out the "prayer"before dinner, tell the bf to buck up and behave :)
LB75Player's picture
Submitted by LB75Player on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 23:59
Don't tell them. You're 31 and it's none of their business.
CiaranORian's picture
Submitted by CiaranORian on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 06:06
Its too early. Dont say anything and let it come out over time. When your family like him first it wont be so important later.
AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 07:11
Congratulations. Glad it's going well. As for the atheist angle, I agree with everyone else. Now, is he a pushy atheist? Y'know, the kind that turns the volume up just a little bit when they see a cross or someone mentions God, or is he more mellow about it? Either way, it's always a good idea to have that little pep talk before meeting parents for the first time.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 09:01
I agree with everyone else for the most part, depending on how important religion is to you. I am not religious myself, so I would keep it on the down low. I kind of in the same boat. My wife and her family were Catholic as you get, but me, not religious and don't believe in it. Needless to say their daughter's happiness out-weighed the fear that I was potentially the devil. They still fight me a bit on the "Kids should be going to church thing".
Vambo's picture
Submitted by Vambo on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 10:27
Let's hope your family don't read your blog :-)
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 10:26
make sure he understands how your parents feel about religion before they meet. If they want you happy they'll let it slide. if he wants you happy, he'll play nice. This is experience talking.
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 10:26
oh, and congrats!
erinroxyfox's picture
Submitted by erinroxyfox on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 17:47
Thanks everyone :) He's not the pushy type, he knows when to keep quiet, but my family is a little more "in your face" about stuff. I think I can get my parents to be cool, but my brother and his shrill wife may be harder to deal with. In any case, the meeting of the parents is far off... just anticipating what may happen. I bet they like him well enough that they won't let religion color their opinion. Maybe. I'm not at all religious, and they know it, so maybe they can accept him too. :) I'm so excited to have a decent boyfriend!
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Thu, 10/14/2010 - 00:11
It's wonderful to see you've found someone you've clicked with! If religion ever comes up, just say he's Muslim. After they are done freaking out, tell them the truth, they'll be THRILLED!

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