Shared on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 07:11I finally finished Chapter 1 with my Sith Warrior. I've set up my legacy as well. I broke Nomen Karr and turned him, then I broke Jaesa Willsaam and made her kill her former master. I now have the title of Lord of the Sith and have acquired a decidedly crazier Jaesa Willsaam as my apprentice. Exciting stuff. My SW is a 32 now. I want to get to 50 so I can have all-Sith republic characters. The Sith will rule the galaxy! For the Empire!
Two things confused me. First I got a "inheritance weapon"? It says its bound to my legacy. I can't figure out what to do with it. Do I have to build it? Is it one of those things you have to take to the imperial fleet to finish, like the artifact pieces you can assembe into companion gifts? Also, what is the difference with how you place people in your legacy. Right now I have my Sith Warrior in the Matriarchal position and all my other characters (all darkside for now) arranged as adopted children. Is there any advantage to having them arranged a certain way or is it just for show?
Any other Old Republic players out there feel like cluing me in?
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Submitted by Lala Calamari on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 07:49
The Sith Warrior Story line is cool. I have a level 50 one. Also a Merc Bounty Hunter and I'm currently level 40 on my trooper which is specced DPS Vanguard. So far all the stories rock but the Trooper is clearly my favorite. Questing is simple but he really shines in PVP and Warzones. Plus, I think the troopers armor is the best looking armor in the game. My Marrauder is in mostly Rakata gear and I think he looks like Robocop.
I have a few inheritance items but have not messed with them. If they were like the items in WoW, I would. In WoW, the stats would increase as you leveled. Not in SWTOR, and I quickly out leveled them so they were of no use to me.
Submitted by ladynightshade on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 10:16
What are your Empire character names? Maybe sometime we can do some flashpoints or heroics. My empire characters are:
Lord Brynn'jaree Darkvoid - Sith Warrior (Marauder) - Level 32
Cipher Agent Vilmeena Darkvoid - Imperial Agent (Operative) - Level 15
Acolyte Niril Darkvoid - Sith Inquisitor (Will be Assassin) - Level 5
Hadreena Darkvoid - Bounty Hunter (Will be Mercenary) - Level 1
I don't have any Republic characters right now. I'm saving those for when I hit 50 with my Sith Warrior (pureblood) so I can make them all purebloods.
Submitted by T3muJin on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 13:25
what server are you on?
Submitted by ladynightshade on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 13:45
Oh, sorry, duh lol. The Ebon Hawk.
PS I'm DPS all the way. I'm good at killing things and I enjoy it immensely.
Submitted by T3muJin on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 09:09
yep need server merges. we're on warrios of shadow but server is pretty much dead.