Shared on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 04:01Okay, I'm going to geek out a bit.
I think everybody has that character that they latch onto when they were a kid. For some it's Superman, the idyllic human being personified in the form of a non-human (I think a very tongue in cheek reference to how improbable it would be for one person to have all of his qualities). Not only could he be impossibly intractable when it came to his ideology about right and wrong and how to best seek justice but he also had the indestructibility and power to enforce it. That quality alone made him NOT my favorite super-hero. If he's wrong, would he know it? And if he were wrong and DIDN'T know it, how could you stop him if he didn't want to agree with your reasoning.
Then there's Batman, a flawed anti-hero, probably one of the more human super-heroes (a close tie with Spiderman in my opinion for his victory over his own frailties). While I love the Batman character for the fact that he is never portrayed as being flawless I also don't like the unrealistic set-up. I mean, thank God he was filthy stinking rich. This way he can be eccentric instead of locked up as a lunatic...
...Note to Batman fans... If there has ever been an alternate universe comic about what if Batman / Bruce Wayne had been born in a a lower or middle class family instead of insane wealth I'd be very interested in reading it. Please comment on it if you know of one.
...okay, one tangent down, only about a dozen to go.
Nope, for as long as I can remember I've always felt a fealty towards Judge Dredd.
So, you can understand (or maybe not) how perturbed I was when Sylvester Stallone was in the movie "Judge Dredd" in 1995. I hated the idea. I didn't see Stallone as Dredd and after seeing the movie I never back peddled from that assessment (although I think he was kind of getting the hang of the character near the middle). And I HATED the helmet removal.
Just to explain, Dredd does NOT .. EVER ... SHOW ... HIS ... FACE ..!!! Ever. Judge Dredd is the personification of blind justice and as such is supposed to remain a little inhuman to maintain that feel.
The movie stank. It could have been good, it almost was.
I won't even mention the thankfully short list of deplorable video games, yick.
Recently I heard of the new movie "Dredd" and after seeing the trailer I couldn't be happier. I particularly like the idea of Karl Urban playing Dredd. Not only does he fit the mold of Dredd physically (he wasn't supposed to be an awkward behemoth) but Urban likes to get inside of his characterizations and be as true to the intent of the character as possible.
Only time will tell if they do right by the series.
Please, oh PLEASE, be faithful.
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Submitted by DrStrange on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 21:35
If there has ever been an alternate universe comic about what if Batman / Bruce Wayne had been born in a a lower or middle class family instead of insane wealth I'd be very interested in reading it."
Daredevil comes close, though he got a few powers along the way.
Submitted by cmoth on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 06:33
I think the only part of the Superman story I apprecitaed was how it ironically placed the "son of the enlightened society" into the arms of an old fashioned farming couple.
Of course, the SNL skit showing an alternate universe "Uberman" where Superman is delivered into naziism by fate is hilarious. Dan Akroyd and company at their best.
Comic strip writers have tried many times over the decades to come up with a "normal" person who does super things but it always rights itself into plot holes. The reason of course is that no one person can affect any real change. The sad part is that the individuals in society who SHOULD be immulated and admired no longer are. Personal sacrifice, caring for others, duty, honor, integrity, those are all things taht have been abandoned by modern society for the sake of personal greed and a self-centered world view.
No wonder people are clamoring for a hero, even if it is a fantasy.
Submitted by Hiteche5 on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 18:09
I wholeheartedly agree with you on Superman. I never could get into his truth and justice thing. He fought for mankind but he was too noble. Yes, he is an alien from a more "enlightened" society but it comes off as snobbish.
I think the more human side of characters like Spiderman are the most endearing to me. Batman is a little darker. His story is more into a descent into madness. The story telling is just awesome behind Batman lately but I find that I don't like Batman, I feel sorry for him.
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 07:07
Unfortunately, in many of these films, the star insists on taking off the mask so everyone can see their face/ego...How many early Batman movies ended up with the mask removed/destroyed? First Spider-man movie? Etc, Etc...