Shared on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 08:19While looking through the variety of mods available on the Skyrim Nexus I came across a mod that was interesting.
Not interesting because I thought it added anything to the game but for what the mod author tried to do (even if it was fairly irrelevant due to the game in question).
Before I get into this I will make some plainly stated observations based on my own experiences / education. Then, I will address each point in turn. Keep in mind, I've been a fairly devout Christian since about 8 years old. No, I am not a saintly person (whatever the fuck that is). I don't tout myself as being perfect. Any alleged Christian who tries to portray themselves as "perfect" obviously hasn't read past the cover of the Holy Bible. I'm just as flawed and prone to temptation and failure as anybody. The difference is, I acknowledge that my failures are my own and that temptation and sin are corrupting influences (according to my beliefs anyway).
Alrighty, on with the program:
1. The Elder Scrolls series is a paganistic / occult series, always has been, always will be. Not throwing poo at it, just stating what should be obvious.
2. There is nothing wholesome or redeeming about playing ANY video game. It's entertainment, don't try to make it more than it is.
3. People are horrifyingly over-sensitive and ignorant.
What brought this on will take us back to the start of this blog entry / rant. While checking out the mods on the Nexus I saw one that isn't very original but serves a purpose. It's been done before. Somebody made a mod that simply removes the pagan / occult symbolism from the game. That's it. The person wrote a simple description where they basically said that the symbolism (pentagrams and such) offended them so he removed the ones he could find to adjust the game for his own personal comfort level. They then decided to put the mod on the Nexus in case somebody else wanted the same thing.
As usual, the responses in the comments section turned in to an insult the mod author discussion page.
Now, I say as usual because I've noted a trend. Anytime someone makes any form of Christian reference they become targets for a couple of people to make snarky and hateful comments. Much like if somebody dares to speak with a foreign accent on XBox Live. Some idiot is going to go get their hood and start burning things. (I would call your attention briefly to point three).
To the mod author's credit, they didn't seem to react poorly and their supporters stayed civil. Hell, to the Nexus communities credit, even the detractors comments weren't all that bad. I think the worse thing said was akin to "this mod is stupid". Feelings weren't hurt but technically the rules for the Nexus community were violated and the site's moderator was right on the ball to point it out.
Damn, I love the Nexus. Their site and the 2old2play community are the only rays of real sunshine on an otherwise bleak and hopeless interwebs... of course, I digressed...
After all that, it may surprise you that while I fully support the mod author in their creation of the mod I don't really think it was a very well thought out concept. Modding is all about making a gameplay experience more personal? And on that point, right on. But, I also think the mod is kind of ignorant.
Here's why.
Point 1. TES is a paganistic and occult drenched game.
Once you've plugged in the disc you just have to accept that you won't be singing hymns or reading bible verses. You will be hacking things to death and doing so on a regular basis in an environment absolutely soaking in occult themes. But, you can also accept the fact THAT IS ISN'T REAL!!
A long time ago I did this thing called "growing up". I'd say I started when I was about 12. I woke up, put my "big boy pants" on and accepted that the world was what it was. I couldn't change anything about it except how I interacted with it. I'd keep my own nose clean and leave everybody else alone.
I have an analogy of how I think some people think they are supposed to practice their public testimony of their religious beliefs. I was raised with the idea and I interpreted through personal study in the bible that my witness is tantamount to letting somebody know they have a booger hanging out of their nose.
I know, it's a silly analogy. But, hang in there it will make sense.
A Christian is supposed to spread the word of God through a personal witness and testimonial. We let people know of our beliefs and (are supposed to) live a life as an example of it's benefits.
What that tells me takes us back to the booger analogy. Let's say I see somebody with a booger hanging out of their nose in public. The booger represents a sinful activity I believe may be harming them spiritually. If the moment presents itself, I would politely take them aside and tell them, "Hey, did you know you have a booger hanging out of your nose?" Then, if they ask me how to fix it I could give them a couple of polite suggestions.
Done like a dinner. No productions or guilt trips, such as: "You Sir. How DARE you walk around here with that snot bubble hanging on your face!! What are you, a HEATHEN!?!!"
See that? One's a polite notification of a potential problem. The other, is an offensive accusation that would tend to turn someone away without hearing the possible solution. Besides, maybe the person LIKES the fact that he has a booger stuck to his upper lip. Maybe he thinks it's attractive to somebody and doesn't want or need to get rid of it.
I have seen some professed Christians who are a little... aggressive. We'll put them into the above described "Booger Scenario".
The crazed evangelical sees a person with a booger hanging out of their nose. They scream, "HOLY SHIT DUDE, LOOK OUT!!!" They then grab the person throw them to the ground and start scraping at their face with sand paper in an attempt to remove the offending blight. After removing several layers of dermas they walk away feeling all good about themselves with a smug smile. Meanwhile, Mr. Booger is looking in the Yellow Pages for cosmetic surgery. Oh, and making a mental note to AVOID ANYTHING HE BELIEVES MAY BE CHRISTIAN. Kind of a Pavlovian response.
Just as God's given free will allows people to choose their individual paths so does it allow others to not believe as you do and to even promote that, even if it is not intentional. This is how I see things like the Elder Scrolls.
I don't think that the folks at Bethesda were ringing their hands together trying to come up with a way of corrupting the minds of the young. I think they wanted to tell a good story and mix in some exciting gameplay. I'm pretty sure when they decided on the genre they did just enough study into the types of beliefs in the era to make it an immersive environment. I don't see any harm in creating an environment like that.
Remember "Dungeons and Dragons"? Boy, I do. I started playing it when I was in Junior High, right about the time that it changed into Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Well, just like AD&D, I take the game, put it in perspective, and have fun with it without taking it too seriously.
I think maybe, just maybe, the mod author might be on the one hand taking it too seriously and on the other missing the point entirely.
TeSV: Skyrim is a fantasy, and not one any of us would actually want to live in. But, it is a lot of fun to play as long as you aren't over analyzing it.
Point 2: It's entertainment.
Just like a game isn't going to change the world for the better it probably isn't going to ruin it either.
I would probably want to ask the mod author a question: Why do some symbols bother you but the root of the game itself doesn't? At it's heart Skyrim could be interpreted in a pretty poor light as far as theology goes. If you want to make the game, "more Christian" you're going to have to do more than scrub some paint off of walls. If you want a Christian video game, go spend the money and make it yourself. How about this instead, accept that the game is set in a very loose interpretation of Norse myth mixed with some eastern paganism and avoid the activities that you would find morally reprehensible (the game does allow you the choice to NOT sacrifice people).
Point 3: People are ignorant.
Remember, ignorance is an absence of knowledge. Stupid is the inability to comprehend knowledge that is available and to use it. So, it is ignorant to lash out at someone who doesn't share your beliefs or lack thereof. Shouting out "God Hates Fags" is behaving no better than someone shouting "Jews Go Home". And THAT is stupid. Offensive is offensive. It doesn't really matter the intent if the harm is done in opposition to the stated goal. You can't force faith and if you really believe that you are entitled to your opinion and want to retain the right to publicly proclaim that belief then you must allow others to do the same equally.
If you want to wear your "FUCK YOU I'M A (whatever)" T-Shirt, then you have to let me put up a religious symbol in my yard. IF you want to build a church without restrictions then you have to let Muslims build a masque near the WTC site.
And, for God's sake, let the kid make his mod removing pagan symbols without being lynched. Yeah, it's a little silly but it is also harmless.
Now I'm going to bed. I have to go back to work this evening and talk to more ignorant people.
Peace, and may God bless you.
- cmoth's blog
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Submitted by EvolveYourself on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 16:44
Well written and straight forward post, sir. Bravo.
Submitted by cmoth on Sat, 08/25/2012 - 19:23
Thank you.
Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 07:06
agreed, 100%
well done
Submitted by Big0ne on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 09:16
Well stated.
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Mon, 09/10/2012 - 13:47
What a good read!