Shared on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 07:55I noticed I haven't blogged in a minute. Soon I will hit the 10th year of Xbox live membership. It will also be my last. Before I joined, we had computers. Counterstrike was the game of choice. Converting to XBL was nice. No hassle LAN and easy internet gaming. I just tossed my old box recently. It still played music like a champ.
Now though, live just isn't the same. It is laggy and gaming is starting to take a back seat. MMO games are not comming to the console. Worse yet, if a game does not sell well the dev won't patch it. No matter how nice a game.
I can go on for quite awhile complaining but, I think my tastes have just changed. I am getting the stuff for a computer together. It has taken me a bit but now I am getting close. I still need a GPU, DVD/CD drive and an OS(Windows 7). It won't be blazing fast for a computer. At least not yet.
What it will do is get me gaming again. Hopefully sooner than later!
- LocGaw's blog
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Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 09:09
Yeah I really noticed the other day when I turned on my xbox....it took a lot longer to boot up to the dashboard than it used to. Then it donned on me. Advertisements. It taking forever because it's gotta load all those damn ads. And we pay $60 a year now for that. When the xbox 360 dropped, it was pretty damn fast. Even after the first several dashboard updates it stayed in a decent speed range. But now...it's slow as christmas....
PCs have their own share of problems though. Install times, hardware compatibility, always-on DRM, etc... But ultimately I've enjoyed experiences on both my PC and Xbox so I'm gonna keep gaming on both.
No 1 system is perfect. But as long as your gaming and doing what you love....it doesn't matter what your weapon of choice is.
Submitted by LocGaw on Mon, 03/18/2013 - 13:03
Hey Gatsu, I still use the forum sig you made me! Thanks again!
I do have some fun on my 360. Mainly, couch multiplayer stuff. Your last statement fits perfectly. The games I want to play are not comming to xbox, they are on the PC. Most of the stuff I am buying is on the PC too.
Submitted by badmin on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 12:03
Switch to PC game a year or so ago and haven't looked back.
Submitted by PoltegIce on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 07:07
I don't think you are alone in this. I contemplate the change now and then also. I've been mostly a console gamer though and doubt I will completely give them up. But like gatsu was saying xbox dash is a bunch of adds now and I find that hard to tolerate. If The next xbox follows suit I doubt I will get one. That leaves the PS4 and I am a bit underwhelmed from what I've seen and my experiences with the PS3.
Never has gaming soared so high, yet behaved so low.
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 16:17
I can't see myself dropping XBL, but I also have noticed the distinct drop off in quality. Namely, that it now takes forever to boot up, and system updates are constantly forced on you. Just when you're in the mood to sit down and enjoy a game - BAM! "A system update is required". You then spend the next 20 min staring at sometimes multiple super-slow loading screens. I wish you could at least play something while you wait.
Another gripe for me us the main game I play: Halo. You would think that the Xbox's premiere brand and initial killer app would get a little more love. But not only is the matchmaking in Halo 4 worse than it was in Reach, it is also missing some key features that were important for friends wanting to party up, like the match time remaining. Halo 4 is fun but the matchmaking issues are really lame.
Submitted by REDAPPLE on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 17:30
I have made the switch myself. Live membership ran out and have not renewed.