Burnout Revenge: SPAM hits Xbox Live?

Last week Burnout: Revenge hit the store shelves. This week many of us are finding our Xbox Live! inbox full of messages asking us to go look at some Burnout: Revenge racing clips. Do we have our first official Xbox 360 SPAM?! There are two specific Xbox 360 achievements that involve the Xbox Live! mail system:

Check It Out!

Got an awesome clip? Share it up so your friends can enjoy the action!

Your Opinion Counts!

Seen something cool in Burnout Clips? Recommend it to your friends!

Combined, these two achievements will rack up 20 gamer points at the expensive of sending a group of your buddies a recommendation to watch the videos. The best part being for those that do not have Burnout Revenge… we cannot watch the clips.  Maybe a subtle hint to buy?

The third achievement that may cause a second wave of mail:

Celebrity Status!

Become a hit artist by getting a Clip in the Top 20 Downloads!

How does one become a celebrity if they do not SPAM all their friends and tell them to watch the clips? Now you probably need to have a lot of friends in order to achieve this or have a really “wicked pissa” Burnout video but the motivation to obtain the achievement may require some chain mails to be shot through the Xbox Live! mail system and that means you should expect some new mail soon.

What is in store for us in the future? Maybe some games that require you recommend Viagra to your friends or Ridelin for their kids? Maybe some P0rn for your viewing (assuming you have the next generation p0rn game of course!).

It is understandable that one must get their Xbox 360 achievements so we will have to tolerate and accept our friends sending us a bunch of requests to watch their Burnout video’s (and delete them) but hopefully this does not become a trend in Xbox Live! online gaming system. Having blatant advertising in games such as Fight Night: Round 3 is much more acceptable than sending those advertisements to our online buddies because each of us can choose to own a specific game but there is no SPAM filter built into Xbox Live! to rid us of all other advertisements.

- CodeMonkey

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