Drag tyres.
Wed, 08/15/2012 - 08:43
Drag tyres.
I was just reading some topics on Forza drag tyres, apparently these are still pretty good for handling but give you tyre wear after 6 laps!!!
Has anyone tried this? would be good to make races where pit stops become a good part to play in it :)
There have already been some races run like this.
The don't wear out if damage is off though. With all the lag lately, I don't see how you could pull this off without some folks getting royally screwed through no fault of their own.
I don't think lag is really an issue anymore. I have ran 6 30 min races now in the Radical F1 cup on sim damage and had no issues at all.
I know sometimes it might happen but I just put that down to a mechanical failure as it happens in real life.
In the BTCC this weekend a driver was 3rd for 99% of the race then 3 turns from home his engine let go.
Oh I agree - but i was curious to see if this was really true.
Thinking that it could be applied in the spec series as the cautions will negate any lag hits :)
So how does the grip compare?
Dunno personally. I've not tried. It might be worth looking into.
Hit up Snappy. He tried for one of his vintage series...trying to get faster tire wear. The handling was a little quirky, so I think they ended up going back to normal race tires. The grip is there, but they are not as responsive (as you would expect w/ the flexi sidewalls).
We had few races with FXP guys way back, drag tyres were part of builds. Shark might remember this too!
In my opinion grip is quite similar with racing tyres, but when it starts to loose grip, it happens fast...They make a nice little add if you want a bit more realistic racing, go ahead and test them!! Also it would be interesting to see if different driving styles has an effect how fast they start to loose grip!
Grip isn't dependent on driving style, just distance, and that said, I'd do it on tracks where you aren't too far from the pits at any given instant. A wrong decision at LeMans makes for a painful lap, although I think I did one on reds and it wasn't horrendous.
Well the incentive is there for it - I'll toy about with some stuff tonight and let you know results, if any :)
The observations were:
Definate loss of lateral grip, but an increase in girp when accelerating - On a short track I was 1 second off the pace.
Handaling was a mess tbh, trying to get your brain round the good acceleration grip and then poor cornering grip was a bit too much. I think this would work for lower class cars, but not for the higher class unfortunately.
I'd run them in i had to but it just feel like driving the cars in the demo ;)
I found it was like driving a Porsche sometimes. Slow in fast out. (In a straight line)
Yeah it was a bit, but i think the way to do that is to introduce pit stops rather than compromise the handling.
Perhaps, like snappy said it would be okay for slower class :D
Would love to see pit stops in the EUSL. hint hint
Pit stops deff make it more fun. Like do i stay out and try and get a few fast laps to jump the guy in front or pit early and try get the jump when there on cold tyres sounds good to me
It certainly could make it more fun - I wont implement it for 4, but maybe for 5 :D
Looks like Parcells may need to practise and figure out the maximum pit speed entry cause right now I'm crawling into the pits so slow that during last Sunday's race I lost a position during pit ENTRY(I was actually on the pit lane[off the track] and got passed like I was standing still)...that was embarrasing...was ready to call foul when the person who passed me didn't actually stop but he did so I lost that position - temporarily
Well, I did a triple roll and backed into the pits once, so hard I ended up behind the toolboxes. I'd say that's pretty close to max pit entry speed...
Lol sorry dude that was me yeah i had to swerve round you so i dident smash you.
@ Parcells you can go in to the pits at pretty much full speed as the games stops you pretty fast.
Some tracks you do need to slow down though.
If you go in too fast some 240+ it resets you i think. :D
Ok then, that's nice to know. It also be nice to know which one of you bastards misinformed Parcells some time ago about this pit speed entry…in the arseholes defense I do remember just hearing “don’t go too fast” but it sounds like you really have to be flying for the pit not to take.
Give me an hour or so I’ll figure out a better excuse to blame my incompetence on you guys…and you know I can.gif)
Well, based on my extensive online racing experience, I'd blame Jamison...
But it was probably Fitzy.
I think I might have said it to one or two folks on the Le Man endurance, that pit lane is tighter than a pole dancers g string.
Also I belive it was said in snappys STCC. We ran a race where you had to slow down below 50mph or you just drove straight through the pits with out stopping.
Maple Valley. You carry more than suffienct speed down the hill and through the final bend. You do need to slow down some.
ZiggyProline and I just ran 2 - 5 lappers with Sim Damage on @ Nurburgring GP Full. His Mazda RX 7 FD A 600 tune. I was at A 575 with the Drag Tyres. I was about 2-3 secs slower per lap but the tyre wear was very different. On normal racing tyres the wear was about 2% for the 5 laps. With the Drag tyres the wear was 26 & 24% for the F& R each. Tyre temp was pretty similar. I am curious as to how the car would handle on a 10, 15 or 20 lapper if you didn't pit. Theoretically, you would be on the rims sooner or later. Or just have absolutely no control what so ever.
Interesting - did you find driving with them very odd? They really didn't feel very direct or consistent to me, wasn't really bad just different.
I myself dont really mind them. My current 370z tune for R/A has drag tyres on it.
I am struggling with the idea of putting them in to a series. I'll keep messing about with them and see how it goes.