[rF] General Discussion
Thu, 08/16/2012 - 14:19
[rF] General Discussion
rFactor General Discussion area
About the Game:
rFactor is a computer racing simulator, designed with the ability to run any type of four-wheeled vehicle from street cars to open wheel cars of any era. rFactor aimed to be the most accurate race simulator of its time. Released in November 2005, rFactor did not have much competition in this market; however it featured many technical advances in tire modeling, complex aerodynamics and a 15 degrees of freedom physics engine.
rFactor was developed by Image Space Incorporated (ISI), which has been developing simulators since the early 1990s for both commercial and military purposes. The gMotor-engine2 on which the game is based is a direct successor to the engine used in previous titles developed by ISI, most notably F1 Challenge '99-'02, released through EA Sports. The gMotor2 engine was also used in many Simbin games, including GT Legends, the GTR series and the Race series. A modified version of this engine was utilized by The Sim Factory for ARCA Sim Racing. A special version of rFactor was available for business application, for example for event simulators or promotion.
Offical Website:
Content Mod Sites:
Gameplay Video:
rFactor is an awesome racing simulator especially considering it's age. What really makes it great is the massive modding community which has produced an incredible amount of different racing series. There is everything from Oval short dirt track racing, NASCAR style oval racing, GT racing, V8 Supercars, Formula 1 open wheel racing and everything in between.
It can be confusing to get setup and working right though, but don't worry, others have gone though it and now are ready to share their knowledge. Here are a few links from over at GBR to help you out:
Spazsterian put together some instructional videos here: http://www.gbr.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=help&action=display&thread=309
Once you get it installed, optimize it with some tips and tricks here: http://www.gbr.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=downloads
Another great thing about the game is that you don't need the latest and greatest computer to run it. Almost any PC from the last 4 or 5 years should be able to run it no problem with most settings on high. Even PCs from 6-7 years ago can run it if you turn some video settings down. The immersion factor will blow you away. You have to plan your races for tire wear and fuel usage, run your own caution laps, and drive into and out of the pits without speeding to avoid a penalty. Overall it is a great game to get started in PC racing without having to spend a lot of money. The game only costs $19.99 at amazon.com and if you are reading this, your PC should be able to run it.
rFactor has become my sim racing game of choice. I was a huge Forza fan from 2 through 4 but was always a bit let down that some of the more hardcore racing elements weren't in the game. rFactor while bit light on the "eye candy" factor more than makes up for that in its many direct racing elements. Pit stop strategies, tire management (this is a BIG aspect), fuel management, realistic flag rules, etc.
If you enjoy a "racing" sim, this is absolutely worth a look. Also please don't take away from this that I'm anti-Forza. Far from it as I've been one of the more active participants in 2O4F while I was playing XBox but rFactor gives me the dedicated racing elements that I personally was looking for in a racing game.
If you are new to the rFactor franchise or have had issues getting the mod(s) going, feel free to ask any questions you have. I'm more than happy to share my personal experiences in getting the game going as well as helping other folks new to the franchise in getting things rolling.
Hi Smok3y glad to have you mate :)
YAY knights back
Knight has webs!
Speaking of which...we missed you 2 yahoos at the Group A race yesterday. It was a fun one.
And yes...F1 won...yet again..gif)
Mate I was so bummed to miss it, and to have to be away for four days for one days work...still that is the way it pans out sometimes.Got home last night in the wee small hours and am exhausted. He's a tough cookie that F1, I only got past him because he made an error, always staying just far enough in front to tempt me to push just that bit too hard. Still home I am, and just about to see what's what with Fridays pcars update and work out what rF1 car and track combo is up next and run a few laps.
finally took the plunge!
Woohoo! I think you find it enjoyable. Then you can come join some of us yahoos once or twice a week depending which events suit you schedule.
So i got te game installed and working out the set ups.....i tried extracting some mods to the rfactor folder but they all give me a message saying access is denied? any ideas
also i use a g27 wheel in my logitec profiler i have it set to 540 degrees but it still feels like 900 ingame.....do i have to crank steering lock way up?
How are you "extracting" the mods? I usually just do a copy & paste/merge, ensuring I have the folder levels lined up. I know some guys that are running Win7 have to have the folder set to "Run as Administrator", though I've never had those issues.
Check out Spaz's intro to rFactor vids.....he actually walks you through the process of installing V8FU. Most mods are installed in a similar fashion.....unless they come packaged as an exe.
I've bumped the thread and copied them to the end so they'd be easier to find.
Like I said download rF lite http://www.rfactorcentral.com/rfactor_lite.cfm Now when you want to install a new mod, use a fresh install of rF lite and install the mod into that. You can have as many lite installs as you like and it makes it so much easier to keep track. Also create a folder to put copies of rF stuff you have downloaded it pays in the long run...hope that helps.
Oh hit up F1 I'm fairly sure he is a Logitec user, I can't help with that one I'm afraid...on saying that I use 360, others 270 and all things in between, so you could try dropping down further.
downloaded the lite version and still getting the same messages on 4 different mods.....errors, access denied or cant find path.gif)
Okay there is more to this than meets the eye...are you running it in Administrator Mode?
Nice one mate I was just looking out that link.
Yeah, we need to get it pulled out of that thread and made as a sticky in the Help/Tips & Tricks subforum.
Could we copy it across to here? Kurupts gone very quiet so hopefuly he has cracked it and is happily playing, can't wait to get him grafting away on tunes I have always enjoyed the ones he does for Forza.
Iam hungover to shit today and cant deal with this now lol thanks ill give it a try later if i live
LOL no worries we'll get you sorted anyway, plenty of liquid and a couple of asprin
Trying to get Hyper and Wonka + a few lads at work going with rFactor.
I need to fire it back up again after last Sunday's fun
One day I WILL finish a race.
Just take things a little easy in the first stages man, and it will just happen, took me a few too. Yay on the possible new recrutes.
well i slept my hangover off
ive been up all nite watching install vids and with alot of trial and error ive got it working......does anyone know of a good sound mod that will enhance tire scrub and squell? its really bugging me that i cant get any feedback from the tires.
Yeah I remember commenting on the same thing when I first started on rF1...funny thing is I have got used to it...not sure about the sound file mod, I think each mod brings in it's own sound files. You can adjust the amount of each sound your hear in settings but I haven't messed with it myself.
You definitely need to go into the settings tab and adjust the audio. The engine sound will overpower everything if you don't. Just make sure the engine sound is less percent than the other sounds. Keep adjusting and testing until you have the right mix that works for you. You may have to adjust it slightly different for each mod, but it should be close.
only annoying sound is the megaphone, like at Bathurst but Hawks gave me a sound file to lessen it
Life in the old dog yet...one of the things I love about rF1 is it just keeps on giving. This latest mod from the Enduroracers team looks great.
We really need to do a GT3 Cup!!