[FM4] The Lotus Cups! - Saturday Nights @ 2000 EST - Final Standings [FINISHED]

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#1 Sat, 08/03/2013 - 10:39
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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[FM4] The Lotus Cups! - Saturday Nights @ 2000 EST - Final Standings [FINISHED]

GrimGrnninGhost Motorsports present

The Lotus Cups!

All races are to be held on Saturdays (Starting 8/24/13) @ 2000EST

The Lotus Cops will consist of two races each week each lasting around 30-40 mins each.  One of the races each Monday will be in the 2005 Lotus Elise 111S on medium size tracks and the other race will be in the 2009 Lotus Evora Type 124 Endurance Race Car (A fan favorite from a few months ago) on larger tracks.

The goal of the series is to get some new faces competing for the championship so this is how it will work.

First, let me make it very clear that everyone that wants to race in these cars, can race these cars in both races however, during each race, only certain drivers will earn championship points.

In short, drivers can earn points for one of the two championships and will be assigned based on previous experience levels by the race coordinator (me).

For example, during the first race in the 05 Elise 111S, drivers such as Track, brnt, driveby, Max, Gizmo and myself (although allowed to race) are not eligible for championship points from this race.  This is to allow drivers with minimal experience of running up front, a chance to earn points for the Lotus Silver Cup Championship in a lower horsepower, easy to drive car.  During the second race in the 09 Evora, those drivers such as Track, brnt, driveby, Max, Gizmo and myself will earn earned points for the Lotus Gold Cup Championship while the Lotus Silver Cup drivers will not earn points (although they are allowed to race in the same car).

This is not a multi-class race as I want everyone to be in the same car at the same time in an effort to get some of our newer drivers experience running in traffic and higher horsepower cars.  That said, we really want to get those newer, less experienced drivers to run in this series or at least the first race in the 05 Elise.  It’s a great little car and a blast to drive.

Like I stated above, the goal for this series is to offer a chance for those drivers with minimal experience of running up front, a chance to earn points for the Lotus Silver Cup Championship in a lower horsepower, easy to drive car and for the guys that are quick a chance to run for the Lotus Gold Cup Championship. 

My goal is to have a minimum of 6 drivers competing in each championship for this to really work so please consider running in the event by indicating your interest on the Signup sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkjeJ12H53YmdFZhVjMwYnQ2M3VVdVRBN2h5SVJPVEE#gid=0


Event Rules: 

1.  This event is a Non- Contact event. Race clean and give room.

2.  Simulated damage will be enabled

3.  Cautions will be in place. (See below for details)

4.  Handicaps will be enabled (See below for details)

5.  Each race night will consist of 2 races lasting approx 30-40 mins each

6.  Grid Ordering - Random, grouped by Bucket - (See below for details)

7.  Should anyone arriver prior to the completion of the first lap, we will restart that race (1 restart per track)

8.  Any cars found not to be built to spec and that have raced will be banned for the rest of the season.

9.  You must make at least one pit stop per race as indicated in the schedule.

10. While pitting you must use the FULL entry road and exit road. You must also say when you are entering or exiting the pits. Failure to use the full pit entry and exit road will result in a 10 seconds penalty to be added on your final race time.

11. Your lowest two race points will be dropped from your final score.

12. All cars must have their racing number displayed on the Official Racing board available on GrimGrnninGhost’s S/F

Build/Tune Rules:
- All participants cars must be built to the specifications listed below
- Tuning is allowed on any adjustable parts that may be on the car. No replacing/adding of parts.

Grid Ordering:

- Silver Cup races in the Lotus Elise
Silver cup championship drivers will start in their respective handicap bucket (0%, 5% or 10%) and will start immediately at the start of the race followed by the Gold cup championship drivers (also in the Elise) starting 15 seconds later with a 10% Handicap).  This is to ensure that the Silver Cup championship drivers have a race amongst themselves for a number of laps without interference from the Gold cup championship drivers

- Gold Cup races in the Lotus Evora
Gold cup championship drivers will start in their respective handicap bucket (0%, 5% or 10%) and will start immediately at the start of the race followed by the Silver cup championship drivers (also in the Evora) starting 15 seconds later with a 5% Handicap).  This is to ensure that the Gold Cup championship drivers have a race amongst themselves for a number of laps without interference from the Silver cup championship drivers 

- Cautions available on the first three laps.
- During the first race, cautions can be called for any incident involving Silver Cup drivers only
- During the second race, cautions can be called for any incident involving Gold Cup drivers only
- No passing is allowed once the caution is called and the field is frozen.
- During a Caution all chatter should be to a minimum, this will help get the cars in line for the restart
- You can call a caution if someone causes you to lose position during the race through physical interaction
- If you cause your own departure from the track, or accident or whatever, you cannot call a Caution.
- Once you call a caution, everyone will slow down to 50mph. Do not come to a complete stop!
- Those involve will rejoin the field where they are currently placed.
- Restarts are single file.
- During the first race, Silver Cup drivers will be grouped 800-1000 ahead of Gold Cup Drivers
- During the second race, Gold Cup drivers will be grouped 800-1000 ahead of Silver Cup Drivers
- Once all cars are within a car length of each other (within each group) and up to caution speed (50 mph) after completing the final corner the race leader will control the start by saying "Green Flag, Green Flag" prior to the start finish line
- No passing on restarts until you have crossed the start/finish line.
- If you pass someone prior to the start finish line you must give back that position before the completion of that lap

 Handicap information:
- At the start of the season everyone will have a 0% handicap profile and throughout the season the lowest handicap profile everyone can race with will be 0%. The highest handicap profile a driver will race with is 10%.
- The top 3 drivers from each race will receive a 5% power handicap to their Handicap Profile.
- Place 6th or lower will lose 5% from their handicap or bottom 2 finishers if 6 or less drivers racing
- Missing a race will NOT lower your handicap.

Racing Etiquette:

- Race Clean and give room
- No Cutting corners
- No Blocking, racing line is not blocking
- Call your intent

Point Scoring:

1st = 20
2nd = 18
3rd = 16
4th = 14
5th = 12
6th = 10
7th = 9
8th = 8
9th = 7
10th = 6
12th = 5
13th = 4
14th = 3
15th = 2
16th = 1

- Missing a race will result in 0 points for that week
- Lowest two race scores will be dropped from standings.

Tracks and Dates:
- All races are to be held on Saturdays (Starting 8/24/13) @  20:00 EST (19:00 CST, 18:00 MST, 17:00 PST, 01:00 BST)
- Schedule listed below

Note: The rules above may change / added to before the season starts. If there are any changes, I will highlight which ones and why.

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 10:39
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

The Cars

2009 Lotus Evora Type 124 Endurance Race Car – S700
2005 Lotus Elise 111S – A534

The Builds

2009 Lotus Evora Type 124 Endurance Race Car - PI=S700
Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
Tires and Rims
- Front Tire Width (265/35R18
All other parts are to remain stock!  The Lotus Evora 124 is a fantastic car right out of the box.  These additions is to bring it up slightly to a full S700 car


2005 Lotus Elise 111S – PI=A534
Engine and Power
- Sport Exhaust
Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction
- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential
Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Tire – Width  (215/40R17)
- Rear Tire - Max Width  (275/30R18)
- Advan Rims – RGII (All rims are alllowed as long as the PI does not exceed 534 with the assigned build)
- Front Rim Size – R17  (215/40R17)
- Rear Rim Size – R18  (275/30R18)
Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 10:40
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

The Schedule

Here is the updated schedule

Silver Cup Race Gold Cup Race
2005 Lotus Elise 111S 2009 Lotus Evora Type 124
DateTrackStart TimeLaps TrackStart TimeLaps
9/7/2013Catalunya National2000 EST20 Laps Catalunya Grand Prix2045 EST20 Laps
9/14/2013Infineon Nascar2000 EST20 Laps Infineon Long2045 EST25 Laps
9/21/2013Mazda Laguna Seca2045 EST20 Laps Maple Vally Full Reverse2000 EST20 Laps
9/28/2013Nurgrubring Short2000 EST20 Laps Nurgrubring Grand Prix2045 EST20 Laps
10/5/2013Suzuka West2000 EST20 Laps Suzuka Full2045 EST20 Laps
10/12/2013No racing this week
10/19/2013No racing this week
10/26/2013Road Atlanta Full2000 EST20 Laps    
11/2/2013Motegi East2000 EST20 Laps    
11/9/2013Nurburgring Nordschleife2000 EST4 Laps    


Fri, 08/09/2013 - 18:58 (Reply to #3)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31



Fri, 08/09/2013 - 20:04 (Reply to #4)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

Removed as the schedule was updated

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 10:40
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

The Standings


Lotus Cups presented by GrimGrnninGhost
Silver Cup Standings 9/79/149/219/2810/510/2611/211/9
POSGamerTagTotal Points Catalunya NationalInfineon
Mazda Laguna SecaNurgrubring ShortSuzuka
Road Atlanta FullMotegi
Nurburgring Nordschleife
1XXsitement120 2018121616--2018
2GENTLEMAN RACER **116 1014201818161416
3Tonyssr447**112 1216102012141820
4SkiwiNV100 912161020181212
5CIlettiDad82 14--1812--121610
6BigDaddy **64 1620--1414------
7Cherry BamBam34 ----14----20----
8kip gotcha24 --------10----14
9Chief94118 18--------------
10AMber2green6818 --9----9------
11X GunnyBass X17 8----9--------
12SigWolf10 --10------------

Full standing sheet can be found at the following link


Sat, 08/03/2013 - 10:46
Gunny's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Place holder er uh, I mean in. GGGM running??? Boss?? Hello??

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 16:45
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

Both builds are on my SF or I can gift them to you if you prefer.  Just let me know

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 10:38 (Reply to #8)
Parcells2's picture
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GrimGrnninGhost wrote:

Both builds are on my SF or I can gift them to you if you prefer.  Just let me know

Can you gift me the tunes Grimm, please and thank you.

Wont be able to make all the races but hopefully most.

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 10:40 (Reply to #9)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Parcells2 wrote:

GrimGrnninGhost wrote:

Both builds are on my SF or I can gift them to you if you prefer.  Just let me know

Can you gift me the tunes Grimm, please and thank you.

Wont be able to make all the races but hopefully most.

Sent and no problem.

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 17:03
Gunny's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Gifts! Duh! Lol.. Ty sir
Sun, 08/04/2013 - 08:24
BigDaddy01901's picture
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Gifts Please, and count me in. Silver class


Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:48 (Reply to #12)
brntguy's picture
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BigDaddy01901 wrote:

Gifts Please, and count me in. Silver class


Silver? Really? I think you underestimate your skills buddy. Or maybe I'm overestimating mine.frown

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:09
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Gunny and BigDaddy - Tunes for both cars have been sent

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:14
Gunny's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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TY Sir!!!

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:17
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Sounds like fun!

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 08:17
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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This series is gonna be awesome too. Looking forward to this!!!
Tue, 08/06/2013 - 20:28
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Bad news guys.  I will need to move this to some other night as my wife's schedule has been changed and I will not be able to race on Mondays as often as I would like.  Im thinking about moving this to the Saturday Evening slot 2100 Est.  Thoughts?

Tue, 08/06/2013 - 21:23
Gunny's picture
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Sat evening cool. Id say you'd be safe running at 2000 or earlier.
Wed, 08/07/2013 - 12:23
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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Works for me bud
Wed, 08/07/2013 - 17:39
AMber2green68's picture
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I'll have a shot at this if i may grimm....Silver for me i thinks, could u send me the builds grimm,please......cars also,please....;-)
Wed, 08/07/2013 - 17:52
AMber2green68's picture
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Oldschool FR if i can please.
Fri, 08/09/2013 - 06:05 (Reply to #22)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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AMber2green68 wrote:
Oldschool FR if i can please.

Send it, I think I have room.

oldschool 2o4f   (don't forget the space...) cool

Thu, 08/08/2013 - 17:19
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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After thinking it over, the series will run on Saturday Evenings @ 2000 EST starting on 8/24!

Thu, 08/08/2013 - 17:22
Gunny's picture
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Thu, 08/08/2013 - 23:46
GTFOOTW's picture
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I think I can make most of the Gold Cup races.

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 02:48
AMber2green68's picture
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What times that in BST Grimm?? (euro).
Fri, 08/09/2013 - 02:53
MaxPerforma's picture
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1am BST Amber
Fri, 08/09/2013 - 06:14
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Can someone send me the Elise tune please? I think I still have the Evora tune ( it ran quite well if I remember correctly...).


Stewie, are we running the Team?

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 08:44 (Reply to #29)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Can someone send me the Elise tune please? I think I still have the Evora tune ( it ran quite well if I remember correctly...).

I sent you both as the Evora changed a bit, not much but the build id slightly different

Sat, 08/17/2013 - 10:53 (Reply to #30)
Stewies_head's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Can someone send me the Elise tune please? I think I still have the Evora tune ( it ran quite well if I remember correctly...).


Stewie, are we running the Team?

hell yes old school.  I'm in for Saturdays but not Mondays 

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