Notice - Over Age 50 Halo 5, Tuesday 9-11 EST
Sat, 08/09/2014 - 16:13
Notice - Over Age 50 Halo 5, Tuesday 9-11 EST
The quoted message was sent over Live to members over the age of 50 who play in the Tuesday Night Halo 4 time slot.
Sep. 9 the Over age 50 group will continue with 360/Halo 4. I will act as host. Adding to this will be 360/Destiny hosted by Agent1951. We will re-assess Nov 11 when Master Chief Collection releases.
The purpose of the message is to inform them of our activity changes.
The important message is that we will try to continue to be available for our old friends.
Of course.
Good news! Thanks DEEP and Agent!
On D-day (Destiny Day 9-9) I'll be playing Destiny to see what the full-game has that we haven't seen yet. But would be willing to join a fireteam for story and strikes that night.
Halo 50 game night on Tuesday is what I look forward to most in my time spent on the xbox, but I'm with you on 9/9 and Destiny - just this one Tuesday and then I'm back to Halo the following week. I'll have it for both the X1 and 360...
So tomorrow (11/11) will be 360/H4 for the Over The Hill Gang?
Might be weeks before I'm on.
So sorry to hear! Hope all turns out for the best considering the circumstances. I'll sign on to 360 at the appointed hour. Vaht and Chaos have the maps, so I figure we can carry on as usual.
Sorry to hear this, man, best wishes. Will look forward to having you back.
Sorry to hear that Deep. Was wondering why I hadn't seen you on lately. I certainly understand how dealing with family health can pull you away.
Hold in there Deep, see yo soon we all hope,... I will take over tonight for everyone. Still can't belive when this is all over all my 150 maps are going to be deleted :(
Oh well start all over for MCC,... but not sure I will have enough for Dec 26 or 27 for a 10 hr straight like I do every year,... Will see I quess.
I'd say store those maps for now, Chaos: according to the first few minutes of this video from September "343 is working on" a way to transfer Halo 4 360 content to XB1. (no indication on how soon or even the source of this information, but cautious optimism never hurts :-) ).
Hang in there Deep: I remember a difficult two month waiting and travelling period 6 years ago after my Dad had an unexpected and awful stroke from which he never recovered. (in sad irony, my 360 caught the "red ring of death" at about the same time -- not that I was using it much then)
I hope that info Duke found works out for transfering maps.
I'm nearly 5 years away.
I just have to wait...
Deep, sorry to hear of your family problems. Give my best to your wife and family and know I will be praying for all of you.
Hang in there, Deep, for your family and your wife.
Thanks for hosting, Chaos! We didn't crack 16, but still had a ton of fun. Hope your dishwasher problems get resolved, Midnight!
Keeping a good thought for you and yours Deep.
TCB and we'll be here when you get back.
Hey Deep, hopes & prayers 4 u & yours.
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
My Wife's father passed away. Interrment is Tuesday. While all of that was stressful enough, now we have to do all of the personal belongings and estate stuff, starting with no paperwork.
You might see me on but I'm usually pretty tired, so I probably won't make it to regular activities. Day by day thing.
I hope MCC's issues are resolved for my return.
Sorry for your loss Deep.
I am going thru that now. My Mother passed away a little over 2 weeks ago and in addition to mourning I have been in the process of gathering all the documents and signatures necessary to set up her estate and start probate. I finally got the Letter of Administration yesterday and was able to move all her assets -- no real property; I saw this coming and sold her house -- into her estate account. Now it is paying off her debts -- medical bills -- and doing record keeping for the 6 monht probate period. She did have a will and limited beneficiaries to myself and my sisters, so this will be fairly straightforward, but it still is a pain, especially in the middle of mourning.
So I kinda know what you and your family are going thru. Any time you need to talk or get advice don't hesitate to pm me.
We are heading into that same process you are already in. We expect my Wife will be assigned administrator by Probate court. There may be a signed Will with her named as executor but we haven't located it yet. The laws in Nova Scotia are fairly old British variants I think.
The family is very small and there is no house or land so we hope no additional complications arrise.
Sorry for your loss Deep and Achy. xoxo
Looks like tomorrow (11-18-2014) will be the first XB1 Over-40 tournament on MCC (hosted by Antoine). Was considering joining, but changed my mind since, 1) switching the portforwarding on my router from 360 to XB1 and back is often an unpredictable pain and, 2) the first night of Over-40 on MCC is likely going to be glitchy (but my appreciation to the first guinea pigs!). I'd rather not deal with both problems in one night, so if anyone is hosting Over-50 tomorrow on the 360 at the usual time, I'll plan to be there from the beginning.
Just went online to check out what was happening for tomorrow, I quess I will do like last week and Host the over 50, I'm not doing any tournament though, just fun and games like last week.
Chaos Qc
Thanks for trying, Chaos. For those who wondered where we all were: Halo 4 was "broken" last night so we had to abandon Over-50 not long after start time. It sounds like MCC over 40 tournament was messed up as well and that this was a system wide Xbox Live problem. Destiny seemed less broken, but maybe that was only because the problem was already going away by the time we migrated over.
Over 50's: In case you didn't hear from other sources or in other venues:
Deep will be hosting the first ever Tuesday Over-50 on Master Chief Collection on XBox 1. I recommend showing up at 8:30pm ET. If we decide that MCC is still "not ready for prime time," we will switch to XBox 360 and Halo 4.
For those new to XBox 1 and still on XBox 360: make sure your NAT is open or moderate on XBox 1 (Check Network Settings). Some people can switch from 360 to XB1 and back with no NAT problems. Others, like yours truly, have to reset their router portforwarding every time they switch from 1 console to the other. Every modem/router is different: may be of possible help if you're not porforwarding proficient (I was lucky: my Westell 7500 for Frontier Communications has an XBox Live portforward setting).
Also: if you're just getting MCC today: allow a lot of time for it to fully download if installing from disk (hours, unless your Mbps download speed is double digits). Allow even more time if doing the full digital download. Hope to see all who can make it tonight! Keep your fingers crossed (figuratively) and be very patient.
Thanks, Deep!
Good games last night.
I think last night's MCC performance was good enough to carry us forward.
Same here! Still a few minor bugs and unliked features, but also a lot of fun. We played a variety of customs on H2, H2 Anniversary, and H3. I was impressed that there was no massive all-group drop-out for the entire 2 plus hours I was on. One or two individuals fell out and came back in, but that may not have been due to MCC. Voice communication wasn't perfect, but we managed.
Thanks to Krulll for hosting! Looking forward to next Tuesday!
Good to hear. I was so tired grinding in that "other" game that I took a night off from gaming. I hope to join you folks next Tuesday.
Reading this, I think it's now time to download the MMC over the weekend to be ready for next week.