Getting off the smack


Shared on Mon, 04/24/2006 - 08:28

Ive been playing World of Warcraft since its release.  

Like so many others I completely cracked out on the game from Day 1.  My commitment to the game completely eclipsed my other game systems, including the psp and 360 releases.  I grabbed a psp when it came out, but I was too into WOW to really even notice the 360.  The way I get obsessed with games, this was probably a good thing.  I had almost no anticipation of release and had avoided pre-ordering.  When would I play a 360?  I was already altering my sleep schedule to play WOW. 

Aside from a number of lower level alts, I had run a 60 Hunter in alliance and a 60 druid for the horde.  In the months leading up to Christmas, I had found myself joining a couple of ingame friends in a rather commited guild.  After a couple of years of playing this game, I was finally running those high end instances that I would hear those clowns in all purple complain that they were sick of.  The problem was that I was in a west coast guild.   Suddenly I was getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep so I could do these instances.  Needless to say, this was doing wonders for my relationship and my performance at work. 

People running around complaining about release shortages made me laugh.  Oddly enough, I couldnt see why people would get so obsessed over something like the 360.  The continued irony of this is amazing.  For Christmas my fiance got me a 360.  Aside from the obvious irony of my video game nemesis getting me a new system, the shear magnitude of the endevour is even crazier.  We live in New York.  Her parents live in Boston.  Like most of the US, they had been looking everywhere, but couldnt find any systems.  It turned out a friend of one of her cousins worked at a Toys R Us, in California!  They had it shipped to Boston and then she drove from NY to Boston, and back, to get it to me for Christmas Eve.   

While she may not have known it at the time, this was a work of genius.

The release lineup for the 360 was less than stellar.  As such, I had my NFS:MW but I was still livin the WOW lifestyle.  I needed immersion.  I enjoy the feeling that you are developing a character.  Now that Oblivion is out, I am getting all of that , without the monthly payment and without having to deal with a community that was so often annoying. 

My gaming focus has turned towards the 360.  Im getting my adrenaline rush from BF2 and immersion in Oblivion, and I can do both of these on my own time.  No commitment or felling that I am pissing people off by leaving to do things like sleep and eat.

I can thank my fiance for helping to get me off WOW and onto the 360.  It seems to be a much healthier addiction.

Of course, the account management page is down, so I havent been able to cancel. 


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 04/24/2006 - 11:06
I went through the same issues with WoW. I just felt like it was more of a job then a game. I still have old clan members and friends that I never talk to anymore because they are controlled by the WoW demons. One day they will be set free.

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