Wow! My laptop runs Counter Strike Source!


Shared on Sat, 04/29/2006 - 21:59
Im pretty stoked at this.  Granted I have to run with everything turned down, at least i am forced to view at 1280x800.

Its a Compaq Presario V5102NR
AMD Sempron 3000 (1.8Ghz I believe)
512meg mem
ATI Radeon 200M mobility w/128meg shared
I also picked up a wireless mouse today for it for gaming.

i plan to pop another mem stick in it sometime since the vid shares it.

Why did I get this laptop.  Some of you might shit a brick when I tell you why.  To replace my 486 laptop.  Yep, you read that correctly, 486.
It could only run Win95,  Because of that it could only run IE 3 which no website supports anymore.  The only other thing it was good for, which is why I kept it, is AIM and IRC.  But the graphics driver recently took a crap and the only way to get info on it is download form internet or floppy.  It is the only computer I have that has a floppy.  So, its officially retired.

UK2k4 also runs on it with min settings.  I probably am not going to put anything else on it unless its old school.  Like bf1942, starcraft, etc..  I put Moonbase Commander on.  That takes abit to get use to since the screen has to be stretched to 16:10.

Its not a gaming machine and thats not why I got it.  But since it can run some of this stuff why not :)  Though most of the time you will find me playing on my desktop.  I might get  USB headset so I dont have to transfer the mic between the two computers.


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