My PSP rant


Shared on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 15:14

I threw this on the PSP Forum, but I thought I would put it here too, because I sorta feel that Sony may have dropped the ball with the PSP.

So the next gen race continues, and at just over one year old our little buddy the PSP has been all but left crying in a dumpster behind a convenience store.

This years E3 is about 360 games and periferals, Wii, and the PS3 power and price. ;; What is Sony doing to support their infant product? ;;

We see an understandable drop in UMD movie releases. ;; But where are the innovative games? ;; Im not at E3, but Im not hearing much talk or excitement at what was considered in 2004 and 2005 to be the next direction in powerful and portable hardware. ;;

Maybe E3 is about the bigger picture, and the consoles are just that, but there has to be some stuff brewing for the PSP, right? ;; The thing is only 1 year old. ;; Has Sony given up? ;; The lastest software update (while later than it was scheduled) would suggest that the support is still there, but where is the fun and excitement?

Perhaps we are too enamoured in graphics and power, so they are merely catering to us as consumers. ;; If that were the case, how about two analogs so people could play todays most popular genre without having to learn a whole new ;;and awkward control scheme? ;;

All I know is this thing costs more than a Gamecube (or a PS2 for that matter), and I feel that the backing of Sony for development, just isnt there. ;; Without them continuing to hype their product, why would any third party want to make games for it? ;;

Even with regards to its use as a peripheral...I am hearing that the lower priced PS3 wont even support wifi, so there goes that idea. ;; Nintendo was able to convince my buddy he needed to buy 3 extra GBA SPs so we could hook up to his Gamecube and play some Zelda and Final Fantasy.

What direction should Sony take with it? ;;

Try and put impressive graphics on a tiny screen and charge $50 a game? ;; ;; Allow third parties to develop low cost games which can be simple and innovative? ;; Imagine games that cost $15, or less. ;; No materials, they are purchased and downloaded to your stick. ;; Xbox Live Arcade, but you download it to your PSP. ;; I dont know. ;; I dont do marketting research and I dont develop games. ;; I sure as hell buy games and I buy a bunch of them a year. ;; If it is fun and I want to spend my time with it, Im gonna buy it. ;; ;;

My buddy has has a PSP since release. ;; He takes the subway everyday. ;; He is their target audience. ;; The guy they should be making games for. ;; The guy with time and disposable income to buy their high priced harware. All he plays is Lumines. ;; Everyday. ;; Except when Im around, then we play Wipeout. ;; What should be obvious about that scenario, is that they are both release games. ;; They were released when the platform had the backing of the Sony hype machine. ;; ;;

I dont see that marketing push now. ;; I wonder what people at E3 are doing with their PSPs. ;; Sony should have done something with fact that there are PSPs in peoples hands right now. ;;

Maybe I am too caught up in my 360. ;; Maybe I am completely missing something about my PSP, but what reason is there to own it?

Thanks for reading this, I know I was all over the place.



TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 16:59
If it makes you feel any better, Nintendo didnt really speak much on the DS either and they have a new smaller/lighter one coming out next month. Handheld gaming just pretty much took a back seat at least in the press conferences.

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