Giving Up Day 1 So Far .........


Shared on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 05:26

Well I had my last cigarette last night at about 10.30pm.  I was really not sad to see it finished either until this morning.

I woke up and my instant and usual thing to do is make a cup of coffee and go outside onto the roof terrace for a cigarette.  It was very hard to try and persuade myself not to but I did.  I suppose it is just trying to break the routine of when you have one but so far so good.  I am at work now with that craving feeling popping up from time to time.  My mouth is starting to salivate and you get a feeling in your throat (I cant describe it) of really wanting one.

Im still not having one and hopefully, long may that continue.


Xceptiona1's picture
Submitted by Xceptiona1 on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 10:54
I quit about 7 months was my third attempt. I think the thing that got me through it was my other failures. When I failed to quit in the past, I would smoke usually at a bar and then wake up sick as a dog and my thraot hurt like mad. I always think back to that whenever I would want to smoke, plus I put it in my mind that Im not a smoker that too helped. I wish you luck man, if your into it, I would also recommend praying about it.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 11:57
Good for you Gazz ! Youre in for a tough road, i wish you the best of luck.. The first month is the hardest, if you get through that it should be a bit easier. Altering your routine to avoid smoker locations will help you some too, like avoid going to bars for example. Good luck dude, hope you make it! Think of how much extra money youll have for gaming!

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