My 360 froze twice this weekend


Shared on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 12:25
First time it froze.  One was due to a bug the other not sure, possible over heating as I had the power supply right being the box.

So, I was playing MLB 2k6 at a friends.  He almost hit a homer but just missed the foul pole.  My player climbed the wall for  the out.  however since it was right at the corner when the player came down from the wall he ended up on the other side of the wall.  When I tried to through the ball the game froze.

The other time it froze was in GRAW.  Not sure what happen.  We were playing co-op firefight.  When the console froze I looked down and my controller was flashing.  The sync button ont he 360 still worked.  I hit that and the ring of lights did its thing.  But my controler didnt sync up.  I replaced the batterys and reset everything.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 14:39
Mine crashes a couple times a week. It crashed on the weekend playing Uno ! No big deal though, so far its rebooted fine. I think theres something wrong with the hard drive IO interface. Seems like thats a common denominator for most of the problems. That and heat.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 16:25
Well, i was trying to figur eout the difference between this weekend and normal. First, the MLB thing is probably a bug, thats what that crashed. But to crash in GRAW. There was two things different. My 360 was in vertical and the power supply was right next to it. I normally have it in horizontal position and the power supply is on the shelf above it behind the dreamcast. I wonder if there was too much heat in the area.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 16:27
Forgot to add. I have never had the 360 freeze up at my apartment. It has always froze at someone elses place.

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