I busted my cherry!!!!!!


Shared on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 06:07

Hey guys.

After talking about playing COD 2 for so long, I finally sucked it up and had a go as I saw a couple of friends online playing. 

A little history for you about this game.  COD 2 was the first game I ever bought when I got my 360.  I loved the campaign, everything was full on and chaotic.  It really gave you feel for being in a warzone.  Then I decided to play it online.  What a fucking joke it was.  My ping was at 999 and I was bumping into walls in houses when I should be in the prone position, up against a wall, tracking through a street.  It was disaterous.

I went online to see if there was a general problem and lo and behold there was which at the time Infinity Ward didnt give a shit about.  For me that was it.  I had spent £50 for what I felt was half a game.  I took it back and swapped it for something else and left it at that.

A few weeks ago the patch was released and Im like "okay, time to buy it again" as everyone was raving about how good the online play was now.  Unfortunately by that time GRAW had me hooked and it had stayed on the shelf ever since.  Angelito kept saying to come on but to be honest I was shitting myself to play it online as I felt so many people were ahead of me in the game and their skills are too good.

Last night I said "Fuck it" and went on and asked a friend to give me a quick lowdown.  God, I forgotten how good this game was.  I got into it really quick and now I have the bug.  After dropping out to watch lost (only on series 2 episode 4 here so dont give the game away please) I went back on after to find a GRAW friend playing.  I dont know if it was fate or something but I entered the room and Angelito was there too.  I dont know if they know each other but there you go.  The next 2 - 3 hours were, in my opinion, the most fun I have had in gameplay for a while and just goes to show that fellow 2o2pers can really build your confidence in a game when we get together.  I am now hooked and looking forward to getting online very soon.

So, thanks to all those involved last night and for some great and intense gaming including Angelito and stridog.  I had a lot of fun so thanks.

p.s.  Going to the doctors again on Friday to sort out some medication for me to quit smoking.


dmanton300's picture
Submitted by dmanton300 on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 08:40
COD2 was also my forst 360 game. Never clicked with me, online was hopeless, traded in in short order. May have to try and locate a 2nd hand copy now damn you!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 10:42
It is much better now. I let it set in my cabinet ever since I bought it after the online sucked so bad. I tried it a couple days ago, WOW. So much better, but now I suck ass LOL. I am going to go through the campaign some to get my skills back in order.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 05:08
I tried it but didnt like it. I must admit i didnt really give it a good go i played anout 2 missions and then tried in total 3/4 online games which i so sucked at lol.

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