neanderthal's blog


Shared on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 12:40

My New Casa



Shared on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 06:31

Vista/360 Beta Tester Here

A few weeks back Major Nelson blogged that MS needed beta testers for the Vista/360 interface, so I signed up. Well last night I recieved my invitation to test, this is pretty cool to say the least. I just need to download 2 gig of files and burn it to a DVD-R and a testing I will go. Best of all at the end of the program I will recieve a full blown final release copy of Vista, free is always good.


Shared on Fri, 06/02/2006 - 11:28

In the New House

After a long and what seemed like a gruelling 2 months, we are moved in and getting settled in the new house. The wife loves it and I like it becasue it has a 3 car garage. It puts my daughter in the right zone for the High School she wants to attend starting next year so all is well. We had made a nice little profit on the sale of our old house, so we splurged and some new couches, kitchen table and 2 new HDTVs (they have the tuners built in).


Shared on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 21:55

Money is at the title company

Tomorrow looks like the day.


Shared on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 20:45

1 Closed - 1 to Go

Tomororw new CASA.


Shared on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 08:48

Maybe Closing Today

After some sluething, I found the buyer mortgage company and processor and made a few calls. It appears the processor was off Thurs, Fri and Mon, hmmm no wonder the documents didnt make it to the title company. After some more sluething I had the processors cel phone number, and proceded to call her. Around 5:30pm I got het and explained I was with my realtor and was checking status of the documents, she informed me the they were in processing and would be sent to the title company last night. She also stated that they had scheduled a time to close at 1pm 5/24/06.


Shared on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 19:03

Waiting to Close

Well we were supposed to close last Thursday and the buyers lender never sent over the docs. Then we we told they would have every thing by Friday, then at 3pm they said it would now be Monday by 3pm. Well it didnt happen, and now we are living in lawn cars in the living room. Everything else is packed and in storage, hell we sold the frig and washer and dryer. So we are in an empty house and it looks like it will happen Friday, basiclly my wife and I have wsted 3 days of vacation with nothing to show for it but an empty house.


Shared on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 09:07

In for Underwriting

Well the home sale and new home pruchase is just around the corner, 19 days or less. The reason I say or less, is that we should know about the loan today. And in the event everything is perfect and goes smoothly, we have prepared ourselves to over the buyers a moved up closing on the 19th. My wife and daughter are both elated to move but containing the excitement until the papers are signed. I myself am getting a little more giddy, but am containing until signed. I have have convince my wife to sell the refrig, W/D, spare TVs, patio furniture and one additional bed.


Shared on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 08:03

Update on Home Sale

Well the first contract was pulled and the second contract was re-negotiated to our liking. If things go as planned we will close on the 26th of May, keeping my fingrs crossed.


Shared on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 04:39


Things appear to be looking up, yesterday we had 3 couples look at the house and had to contracts submitted. Well we accepted one that was a $1000 more than asking price, you say $1000 more well they wanted the damn refrig. So starting today there is a 10 day right of refusal for the buyer based on inspection, and if everything goes well we close on the 24th of May. This works out to 2 days before my daughters last day of school, which is a good thing. Also we found out my car had the engine going south and we had to trade it off on a new 06 Passat, VW worked us a deal.

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