neanderthal's blog


Shared on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 09:55

Damn - More Good News

Just received a notice from the company that we got profit sharing this year, value is 3% of salary. Damn today is a good day so far.


Shared on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 09:20

Wow - all I can say

Damn I actually got some good news this morning, and am excited as hell. 5 years ago the wife and I were on the verge of bankruptcy, seeing that we were fiscally irresponsible (as most young adults are) and built up our revolving credt north of $65K. Yeah you can say stoopid well because that is exactly what we were. Just when we realized that we were screwing the pooch (future) ours and more importantly our daughters future for college, we started to look at the options. The first was bankruptcy, I didnt care for it.


Shared on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 08:49

Well Its Official

I can only explain the feeling I am having as Mid-Life Crisis. My daughter has turned 14 and my wife is in denial about the one thing all women hate to see coming "Men-on-pause". With all the drama of women in my house, on top of that we are trying to sell our house and have had no lookers in the month it has been on the market. Oh and my wife decides in the middle of all this that we have to have a new SUV, as she explained for when family comes to town we can haul them around. My reply was let them rent a fucking car, I am not a limo service.


Shared on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 08:20

WW III is it coming?

It really is scary when watching the news anymore, with the tension in the Middle East. And what scares me is that 90% threat seems to come from a religious group, Isalm and it teachings. Now I am not saying all Isalmic people are war crazy and want to kill everyone. But the radicalness of some of the groups, and even some of the countries is down right menacing. We are not the crusaders of old, which the muslim people always liken the rest of the world to.


Shared on Mon, 04/10/2006 - 14:58

Getting Old

Woke up this morning and realized I am getting old. This was brought on last night after a fight with my daughter who is about to turn 14 on the 17th of April. Middle aged, fat, beer drinking and dealing with PMS from both the wife and daughter. Damn does it get any better than this, I am scared and fearful for my life 2 weeks out of every month.


Shared on Mon, 04/10/2006 - 13:19

GRAW > Halo2

After recently picking up GRAW and playing through it, and then hitting the live side of it. And then jumping back into some Clan MM of Halo2, I realized that Halo2 has lost it zest, let me explain why for me. 1) Running and Gunning vs Tactical well thought out manouvers 2) Multiple weapon selections 3) Evironments 4) Clarity


Shared on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 12:32


Nothing ever really to say, just testing this for the cool factor. Now I can say I blog!

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