neanderthal's blog


Shared on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 21:02

Japan Here I Come

Well tommorrow I board a plane for Japan at 10am, arrive in Tokyo 13 hours later and the next day. Wish me luck in the land of the rising sun.


Shared on Sat, 09/30/2006 - 14:45

Going to Japan

On 10/9/06, Iam flying to Japan on a business trip. It should be cool, having been there once before I know what to stay away from.


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:00

Secret Use for Beer


Ok I suck at the internet, I will figure it out some day.


Shared on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 16:55

Picture of Wife and Kid with Russ Martin

A local DFW Talk Show host, the man is a genius on the air.


Shared on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 16:49

Finally a Cool Weekend


Had a great weekend, supporting a good cause. Went the the annual Heroes Parade supporting police and fire, made a nice donation the RMS Listener Foundation. Feeling good cause the weather is great.


Shared on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 10:16

Screwed Again

Damn this shit gets old and in a big way, here is the story.


Shared on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 10:00

Wife is away on Business

Now is the time to party and play games all night.

I would but I gotta get up to early the next morning, that and I miss her when she is not home. After 17 years of marriage one would think spending time with her would have diminished, well not so. I miss her in the mornings and evenings, and the time we get to steal with each other before work and bed. I sure Ill her from her at least 4 times today just to say hi, sigh I am a sap I Love her.


Shared on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 07:46

Damn Women

Today 7/4/06 was a day to sleep in and chill, since the wife has to work I figure why not.


Shared on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 15:05

Life is Good

Well as of late things are great for the family and myself.

1. New House

2. New Toys (new TVs for the house, tools for the garage and KEGERATOR in the house, oh and a second 360)

3. Well behaved loving daughter (PMS aside)

4. Loving wife (PMS aside, I have to give her that cause she is a damn fine cook)

5. Totally debt free by September (with the exception of house and cars)

6. Possible promotion in the works

7. Family vacation the Cabo for the wifes birthday in November

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