goodolplumber's blog


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 13:11

Going bowling

I joined a bowling league last October and my team came out to the be the league champions at the end of the 3 month season.At the end of the season I told my fellow teammates to go ahead and replace me because I didn't know if I could afford to play next season.Well I can afford it and in the process of creating a new team.Hopefully today will go good for me today and I will have two new teammates, I have vowed to beat my old team and have told them that to.Everyone that I had bowled with in last season was nice to me and helped me out alot when I first started, it was kinda of like being her


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 13:11

Going bowling

I joined a bowling league last October and my team came out to the be the league champions at the end of the 3 month season.At the end of the season I told my fellow teammates to go ahead and replace me because I didn't know if I could afford to play next season.Well I can afford it and in the process of creating a new team.Hopefully today will go good for me today and I will have two new teammates, I have vowed to beat my old team and have told them that to.Everyone that I had bowled with in last season was nice to me and helped me out alot when I first started, it was kinda of like being her


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 02:16

Oh boy more medicine to take

Well I went to the Dr the other day and he put me on two more medications to take, one for my blood sugar because I'm a type 2 diabetic and the other for my blood pressure.His office called me yesterday on the results of some blood work I had done of the weekend also and now I have to take something for my cholesterol.Now more and more I wish I wouldn't have let myself get in bad of shape that I am.It scares the hell out of me knowing that my heart could be a time bomb waiting to go off.Nothing scares me more than death, I don't like to talk about or even think about it.But with all of these n


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 02:16

Oh boy more medicine to take

Well I went to the Dr the other day and he put me on two more medications to take, one for my blood sugar because I'm a type 2 diabetic and the other for my blood pressure.His office called me yesterday on the results of some blood work I had done of the weekend also and now I have to take something for my cholesterol.Now more and more I wish I wouldn't have let myself get in bad of shape that I am.It scares the hell out of me knowing that my heart could be a time bomb waiting to go off.Nothing scares me more than death, I don't like to talk about or even think about it.But with all of these n


Shared on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 21:45

Day and the life of goodolplumber

Some think its great to be me, a delivery truck driver.I mean where else can you work without having to do much work at all, where if you walk into production you are told to return to the warehouse until needed.Well I got news for you it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

This my life:


Shared on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 21:45

Day and the life of goodolplumber

Some think its great to be me, a delivery truck driver.I mean where else can you work without having to do much work at all, where if you walk into production you are told to return to the warehouse until needed.Well I got news for you it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

This my life:


Shared on Thu, 01/11/2007 - 20:19

Another Birthday come and gone

At midnight January 11, 2007 I made the post of me having a birthday today.In a few hours it will be over and I somehow managed to survive another one.With the all the phone calls and e-mails from family and friends made me think that this is how we now say Happy Birthday to loved ones.Gone are the days we come together and celebrate a persons birthday, our lives have become so busy with the convenience of technology.We now send  e-cards via the internet  instead of going to the store and buying a card and leaving a message and a gift.I thought I would n


Shared on Thu, 01/11/2007 - 20:19

Another Birthday come and gone

At midnight January 11, 2007 I made the post of me having a birthday today.In a few hours it will be over and I somehow managed to survive another one.With the all the phone calls and e-mails from family and friends made me think that this is how we now say Happy Birthday to loved ones.Gone are the days we come together and celebrate a persons birthday, our lives have become so busy with the convenience of technology.We now send  e-cards via the internet  instead of going to the store and buying a card and leaving a message and a gift.I thought I would n


Shared on Thu, 01/11/2007 - 00:39

Happy Birthday To Me

Well today is my b-day and I turn another year older, but not much more wiser than what I was.I don't really have the money to do anything so I think I'll just stay at home as long as I can and be thankful for my health and what wisdom I do have.Well I guess we all have to grow old at some point in life, I don't know when really but we do.I shall forever be 2old2play and continue to hate Timmies everywhere.


Shared on Thu, 01/11/2007 - 00:39

Happy Birthday To Me

Well today is my b-day and I turn another year older, but not much more wiser than what I was.I don't really have the money to do anything so I think I'll just stay at home as long as I can and be thankful for my health and what wisdom I do have.Well I guess we all have to grow old at some point in life, I don't know when really but we do.I shall forever be 2old2play and continue to hate Timmies everywhere.

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