goodolplumber's blog


Shared on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 19:48

Yeah Cub Scouts

Well the new year of Cub Scouts begins on Sept 30 at 6pm, we will have our very first pack meeting under a new committee.I'm looking forward to seeing all my boys from last year and getting the new boys ready for the ride of their life.Hopefully this year things will go a whole lot smoother than what they did last year and we grow strong as a pack.


Shared on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 15:01

Here we go again

Well I just got the phone with our new Cub Master for the Cub Scouts, and confirmed my postion for the Bears Scouts Den Leader.So here we go again with selling popcorn.If anyone wants to buy some really good popcorn from the Cub Scouts please let me know via a PM or whatever.I will post a link so that you can order it online and what information you need to enter to order from us.If you don't order from me then please buy it from your local Cub Scout troop, it helps us out immensely to send the kids off to camp.It also helps us keep the Scouts going for future generations.


Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 20:06

Another dumb thing I've done

This one is going to short and sweet so here it goes....

I was putting a couple of boxes on the back of a semi truck and door he parked at has a tendency to come back done on you.Well I forgot about it, and put the stuff down and turned right into that damn door.Needless to say there is now a new dent in it the shape of my forehead.The damn truck driver asked me if it hurt, that made me want to do "Here's your sign" moment.But I decided not to and told him it did, and walked away.Well I held that back for a couple of days now but here it is.

"Here's your sign"


Shared on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 19:57

I swear I didn't bring the rain

Ok it seems like everywhere I went today for deliveries the rain followed me.I went to two different hardware stores to pick up stuff for one of the press operators.Just as soon as I walked into the first one it starts raining, and it comes down hard for about 20 mins.As I'm leaveing the store it lets up a minute and so I can go to the next.As I am walking intot the next one it starts to piss and pour again.I started to get a little paranoid about this.Because when I left the plant it wasn't raining at all.I was in and out of the store within about fifthteen minutes and made a mad dash to the


Shared on Sat, 08/12/2006 - 12:22

I hate my DSL provider

I have been without DSL for about 14 hours, it took me 12 of those hours, running diagnostics and going over notes that I have taken over the past couple of years of haveing trouble with them.I'm to the damn point of going back to the cable company's sorry ass high price cable connection, I will only put up with this shit for one more time then I will either find another DSL service or go back to cable.


Shared on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 16:43

A couple of dumb things I've done in the past few days

Well the first one starts off by me and another forklift driver getting 3 forklifts stuck in the mud, and it goes something like this.

Me: Whatcha doin'?

Earl: Unloading these press insert racks off this trailer. ( NoteThese damn things are on a flat bed trailor by the way folks and Earl is the name of the forklift driver.)

Me: Need my help?

Earl: Sure, you can help me guide this rack so I can stack it on top of the other one over there.

Me: OK, lets get this over with its to damn hot out here.


Shared on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 21:24

It sucks being poor

Well another 4th of July has come and gone and once again the only way my kids could see any fireworks is by watching our neighbors.I couldnt get it in their head that I dont make that much money for that right now.After paying all of my bills for last month I am flat broke.I dont get paid on a weekly basis as some people do.I get paid on what I like to call the "Wal-Mart" pay period, thats where you get paid every other week.I know that pay schedule from working for Wal-Mart at one point and time.I had my good times and my bad times with them, but in the end I still wind up getting paid like


Shared on Fri, 06/02/2006 - 20:55

Jack of all trades

The most frustrateing thing for me is being a Jack of all trades and a master of none.I wish that I was smart enough to be trusted more by my bosses than what they do.Sure I can do anything you put me in front of eventually, but I would love to be a master of my trade.I guess some of us are just destined to be this all around worker that can only be trusted to certain jobs for short periods of times.Nothing overly critical, just the jobs that if something happens it wont be to much trouble to undo.Its just frustrateing to see jobs you want or that you are trained in goto others that dont have


Shared on Sun, 05/28/2006 - 02:49

Damn 360

Well once again my damn 360 froze up tonight as I was playing Halo 2 so I got pissed off after the 5th time it did it.I can never enjoy a simple game with my clan when it starts doing that shit.I called up MS and told them how pissed off I was about it, and that I tried all that they recommended on the web site.I thought the damn thing was overheating and we went over where I had it sitting which was on top of my entertainment center.So then the tech tells me to power down the system and take my hard drive off and try a game without it installed.I put in GRAW and walked away for a couple of ho


Shared on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 21:09

Whoo Hooo Tornado warning again

Once again the weather got just a little nasty for us down here in the South.Its all good now, this is one thing about liveing where I do that I hate.When we get storms we get STORMS.We can never get just regular T-Storms, we get the ones that could produce Tornados in the blink of an eye.I could really do with them, my kids go crazy when they hear the sirens go off.I then have to go into super dad mode.Storms cannot hurt none of us with me around, I know how to protect them all from every type of harm.I dont dare show them how scared I am of the storm, for they are scared enough.I dont dare l

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