Puzzled's blog


Shared on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 22:36

UFC 63 Wow...

 I thought this was a decent UFC actually.  I guess I was most looking forward to the Swick-vs-Loiseau and Penn-vs-Huges fights.  And thankfully, these were pretty good fights.  I was wrong on both counts on my predictions but... anyways.  LOL!


Shared on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 00:51

Strange YouTube vids.

I don't know if I'm amused or distrubed.


Okay, I used to like Steven Seagal flicks, but this surprised me. Funny thing is it's not that bad, really.




Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 09:53

UFC Saturday night... Penn -vs- Hughes

The more I think about this fight, the more I'm leaning toward Penn taking the upset victory. Hughes is without a doubt one of , if not the strongest, welterweights out there right now, and is a much better fighter than he was when Penn beat him. Not to mention, as someone has estimated, he's had nearly 800 country breakfasts since that defeat.


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 22:39

MMA Fans

If your a fan of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) then you've probaby heard of the UFC.  However, you may not be knowledgeable of another orginization called Pride.  It's essentially the UFC over in Japan.  Well...


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 22:18

Theology from the armchair.

Be warned... the following is a theological digression from a current study I'm doing. 

Read at your own risk. 


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 13:35

Tips to lose weight.

Well, since I’m back to my exercising… I came across this info and thought others may find some value in it.  I’m not terribly overweight currently, but I need to shed about 15 lbs or so to be in really good shape.  So here’s the info that I thought was interesting.   



Shared on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 08:09

Wow, gonna be a BUSY weekend huh?

Wow, this will be a busy weekend for me. Jet Li’s Fearless opens this weekend. It looks to be good. If you like that ninja-esk, high flying kung fu type of martial arts combat. You know the type, where the combatants pull off gravity defying aerial moves that could wreck Volkswagens. Yeah, that’s the stuff! I hope to see it this weekend, but we’ll see.


In addition, the UFC is this weekend. I typically get all the UFCs. I rarely watch sports or any TV really, but I love me some MMA (mixed martial arts).     

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