Falelorn's blog


Shared on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 09:49

Command and Conquer 3 - Live Action Video

Ill admit it I am a sucker for FMV (Full Motion Video) in games when it is done good. Such as Wing Commander III, IV, and V as well as a few others.. and hate it when games use it and in a sucky way (insert any game here pretty much)

Command and Conquer 3 for PC and 360 uses FMV with some named actors such as

Grace Park and Tricia Helfer from BSG (Helena and Six)
Jennifer Morrison - from House (Dr. Cameron)
Billy De Williams - from well everything
Micheal Ironside - everything as well as Splinter Cell


Shared on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 09:49

Command and Conquer 3 - Live Action Video

Ill admit it I am a sucker for FMV (Full Motion Video) in games when it is done good. Such as Wing Commander III, IV, and V as well as a few others.. and hate it when games use it and in a sucky way (insert any game here pretty much)

Command and Conquer 3 for PC and 360 uses FMV with some named actors such as

Grace Park and Tricia Helfer from BSG (Helena and Six)
Jennifer Morrison - from House (Dr. Cameron)
Billy De Williams - from well everything
Micheal Ironside - everything as well as Splinter Cell


Shared on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 08:41

Guitar Hero II - Game Videos

I hate waiting for great games, especially when I know they will be incredible

Billion Dollar Babies


Shared on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 08:41

Guitar Hero II - Game Videos

I hate waiting for great games, especially when I know they will be incredible

Billion Dollar Babies


Shared on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 09:46

Aqauria - 2D Platformer for PC

Check out this cool looking 2D game coming to PCs in the Spring..


A beautiful, hand-crafted 2D adventure


Shared on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 09:46

Aqauria - 2D Platformer for PC

Check out this cool looking 2D game coming to PCs in the Spring..


A beautiful, hand-crafted 2D adventure

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