Falelorn's blog


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 19:02

Another dissapointment with the PS3

What a mistake it was to get the PS3, not one promise made by Sony has come to pass and a game that the developers said would be far superior graphically to the PC and 360 versions is near completion.. and boy.. am I ever freaking underwealmed.

FEAR.. one of my favorite all time PC games, one of my all time favorite 360 games and a game I wont even rent any more for the PS3.

Here is the newest trailer and if you have played it for the 360 you will see a graphical difference (I have seen this trailer in high def on my TV so its more noticable)


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 19:02

Another dissapointment with the PS3

What a mistake it was to get the PS3, not one promise made by Sony has come to pass and a game that the developers said would be far superior graphically to the PC and 360 versions is near completion.. and boy.. am I ever freaking underwealmed.

FEAR.. one of my favorite all time PC games, one of my all time favorite 360 games and a game I wont even rent any more for the PS3.

Here is the newest trailer and if you have played it for the 360 you will see a graphical difference (I have seen this trailer in high def on my TV so its more noticable)


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:00

Ninja needs love / Ninja Movies

After my what to do with a racist post.. I needed something funny and found this... This is freaking funny, I am laughing so hard I am crying (or its the onions for the Chili)


and this makes me wonder.. where are the Ninja Movies?


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:00

Ninja needs love / Ninja Movies

After my what to do with a racist post.. I needed something funny and found this... This is freaking funny, I am laughing so hard I am crying (or its the onions for the Chili)


and this makes me wonder.. where are the Ninja Movies?


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 13:56

Home based business

I have a home based business in which I sell things (games/movies [not adult]) and sometimes I come across someone who is odd. Usually if it has taken a few days to get a package.

I got an order early this AM followed up by an email.

Please do not ship the ###################### to me if you are not white as I only deal with clean people.
If you are white, please ship ASAP thank you
End Message:


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 10:01

Arcanum Revistited

source - http://www.gamersinfo.net/index.php?art/id:1559//

Great write up on a classic game  it is worth checking out if you find it..

Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 10:01

Arcanum Revistited

source - http://www.gamersinfo.net/index.php?art/id:1559//

Great write up on a classic game  it is worth checking out if you find it..

Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura


Shared on Tue, 02/13/2007 - 22:09


By now every person should know of the 300 movie coming in a couple weeks or so and if you dont.. goto www.apple.com/trailers and watch it

There is a game based on the comic/movie for the PSP and it looks good.

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