ArminK's blog


Shared on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 12:08

Hangin in there...I think

OMM LAN in Tx is a hot topic, I wanted to go,but the finances just won't let me.GRRRR. Living from paycheck to paycheck right now, I hate that. Was hoping that the prize winnings for the pool league would be enough, but we finnished 2nd and my cut was only 2 bills. Damn. Thought about driving.......25.5 hrs. Just not possible this time of year, to busy at work in NOV. ---sigh--- There will be another LAN, but there are many peeps that will be there(ok all) that I want to meet, all in one place too. Damn, to be independently wealthy.


Shared on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 13:11

A glimpse into the HMR head

First blog.........

Told that this may ease my turmoil w/in myself.  Hell, who knows, may help. So here it goes...........

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