Chemterror's blog


Shared on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 10:37

Pic of the Day 10/20/06

Another cool fall day, I'm loving it. More errands to run today, hopefully I can squeeze a haircut in as well. Going to fix a big dinner tonight, steak, chicken, and some truly awesome mashed potatoes. Throw in a little grilled pineaple for dessert and you've got yourself a meal fit for a king. What, you think gamers can't cook? This pic is begging for a funny caption, please supply one in your comment. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Shared on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 10:59

Pic of the Day 10/19/06

Quick post today, got lots of errands to run and I woke up late. My brother's high school soccer team won their regional championship last night, go bro! Fall football and soccer are interesting to me, you train and play in the hot summer and fall, then the playoffs roll around and the temps can get pretty low, especially football which lasts into December. In honor of the cooling temps, here's a neat shot of a park in fall from Rhode Island.


Shared on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 13:29

Pic of the Day 10/18/06

Well the new laptop is working great. I'd already installed XP on my sister's iMac when she went off to college, so I figured I'd do the same just in case my wife had to have something Windows for school. Then I saw where people were triple booting OS X, XP, and Ubuntu, and I said to myself, "Why not?" I'm an almost total Linux noob, luckily I can use Google. Got a good tutorial which referenced part of another tutorial. Between the two of them I finally got everything set up. Don't really have a reason to triple boot, other than to brag about with other geeks.


Shared on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 11:51

Pic of the Day 10/17/06

Today is a great day in the history of Chemterror's blog. I'm using my brand new 15" MacBook Pro that arrived last night. What makes it even better is that I got it through one of those "FREE" laptop sites by completing some offers. It's as good as free as I only had to spend about $150 on nothing, plus a little more money for Columbia House DVDs, Netflix rental, etc. If any members of the 2old2play community would like more information, send me a PM or comment on this post. This is NOT a request for referrals, I've already got the laptop.


Shared on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 08:58

Pic of the Day 10/16/06

The pic of the day is back after a needed fall break. I'm sure most of the 2old2play website was just about to lose it if they went one more day without a picture from my vacations. I took some cool pictures in the Baltimore/D.C. area, but I'm too tired today to bother uploading them. So I'll pull one or two more from Animal Kingdom in Orlando and Rhode Island. We were very fortunate in that the weather was perfect while we were in D.C. Now if only the weather could have affected traffic. It's unbelievable how many people can live/work in one area.


Shared on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 14:09

Pic of the Day 10/6/06

Not much going on today. The baby decided to sleep in this morning which meant I got to sleep in too. Still can't believe it's already October. Going on vacation Monday, so the Pic of the Day will be on a week hiatus. Should have some good pictures when I get back of DC. Today's pic is of the cliff walk in Newport, RI, former summer home to the billionaires of the past (Vanderbilts, etc.). Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Shared on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 10:05

Pic of the Day 10/5/06

Well apparently the baby's appointment was Tuesday, not yesterday. You would think the doctor's office would be a little understanding and say, "Just have a seat and we'll squeeze you in in a little while." Nope. The next available appointment is Halloween. They did tell me I can call back in a few days to see if anyone has canceled. I'm really missing the "goold ole days" of family doctors instead of the current Wal-Martization of everything. I understand they've got a business to run, my dad's a dentist, but really. OK, I guess I'm done with that rant for now.


Shared on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 07:38

Pic of the Day 10/4/06

Taking the baby to get her 4 month old shots today. Should be interesting as she's been prone to crankiness in the last week. Let's hope the baby Tylenol does the trick. We're back in Rhode Island for the pic of the day. More correctly, I'm on an island (Block Island) off the coast of Rhode Island. Got seasick on the ferry ride over. Not easy trying to vomit into a toilet on a moving vessel. Let's just say Dramamine worked great on the ride back.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 08:14

Pic of the Day 10/3/06

The weather has gone from cool to hot in only a day. I was really hoping it would get colder so the ants infesting my kitchen would freeze. I'm starting to get like those cartoons where the guy blows up his house to get rid of a pest. I just want the ants to DIE! I left some ham fat out in hopes their little insect hearts would explode. Doesn't work like that apparently. Here's the pic of the day, a Komodo dragon at Disney's Animal Kingdom, taken while on spring break.


Shared on Mon, 10/02/2006 - 11:04

Pic of the Day

I took this on a fall break excursion to beautiful Rhode Island. Great time to visit RI, nice weather, fall color, and fewer tourists. Also one of the only states you could drive through 10 times in one day. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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